masonry cement是什么意思 masonry cement的中文翻译、读音、例句

masonry cement是什么意思 masonry cement的中文翻译、读音、例句

masonry cement的中文解释是"圬工用水泥",还有圬工用水泥的意思,单词读音音标为[masonrycement],masonry cement在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到94个与masonry cement相关的例句。

Masonry cement的释义


例句:Chileans have been building with confined masonry for decades. (智利人用砖混结构建筑房屋已经有 几xx年了。)


masonry cement一般作为名词使用,如在Masonry(n. (建筑物的)砖石部分)、cement(水泥)、dry masonry(干砌石土)等常见短语中出现较多。

Masonryn. (建筑物的)砖石部分
dry masonry干砌石土
dressed masonry敷面圬工
existing masonry现有圬工
exposed masonry露面圬工
foundation of masonry圬工基础
granite masonry花岗石圬工
Greek masonry希腊式砌墙


1. Park by the cement mixing yards. (翻译:把车停在配材仓库旁, 不要让他们发现我。)

2. They are used to fuel cement ovens. (翻译:它们用作水泥炉的燃料。)

3. Compared to ordinary grouted masonry, the mechanical properties of the grouted slotted block masonry were more realistic. (翻译:与普通灌孔砌块砌体相比,开槽砌块灌孔砌体的受力性能更接近实际工程。)

4. The cement plant. That's the Kaise? (翻译:水泥厂传染环境。)

5. Love is preserving her handprints in cement. (翻译:爱是将她的手印保存在水泥里。)

6. Silicate cement: The silicate cement grog that is bases with siliceous calcium, add mill of right amount gesso and become. (翻译:粉煤灰硅酸盐水泥:由硅酸盐水泥熟料和粉煤灰,加适量石膏混合后磨细而成。)

7. So it's on legs, so it focuses all the load on the masonry walls and the columns. (翻译:而是在支柱上 将所有的载荷都放在砌筑墙和柱子上。)

8. Madam, the biece of cement in ton bib. (翻译:Madam 这石灰人也太大了吧 Madam, the biece of cement in ton bib.)

9. RHI is a global partner for the cement industry. (翻译:RHI是水泥工业的全球性合作伙伴。)

10. Hydraulic binders - Masonry cements - Composition, specifications and conformity criteria. (翻译:水硬性粘合料.砌筑水泥.组份、规范和合格标准)

11. This standard is applicable to portland blast furnace-slag cement, portland pozzolana cement and portland fly-ash cement. (翻译:本标准适用于矿渣硅酸盐水泥、火山灰质硅酸盐水泥和粉煤灰硅酸盐水泥。)

12. Mallen Baker considers cement and steel. (翻译:马伦·贝克关注水泥与钢铁行业。)

13. Portland blastfurnace-slag cement, Portland pozzolana cement and Portland fly-ash cement (翻译:矿渣硅酸盐水泥、火山灰质硅酸盐水泥及粉煤灰硅酸盐水泥)

14. The characteristic Cyclopean masonry here forms the central atmospheric element. (翻译:巨石砌筑的特征构成其中心基调。)

15. Instead of -- cement usually emits a ton of CO2 for every ton of cement. (翻译:通常情况下, 每生产一吨水泥排放一吨的二氧化碳)

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