permissible dimensional error是什么意思 permissible dimensional error

permissible dimensional error是什么意思 permissible dimensional error

permissible dimensional error的中文解释是"容许尺寸误差",还有容许尺寸误差的意思,发音是[permissibledimensionalerror],permissible dimensional error是一个英语名词,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到34个与permissible dimensional error相关的句子。

Permissible dimensional error的中文翻译


例句:Error hiding - Disguising error messages sent by the server. (错误隐藏——伪装成服务器发出的错误消息。)


permissible dimensional error一般作为名词使用,如在permissible error([计] 容许误差\n[化] 允许误差)、dimensional error(尺寸误差)、maximum permissible error(最大容许误差)等常见短语中出现较多。

permissible error[计] 容许误差\n[化] 允许误差
dimensional error尺寸误差
maximum permissible error最大容许误差
permissible'adj. 容许的;许可的\n[网络] 可允许的;可容许的;允许误差
permissible accuracy要求的精度
permissible acrobatic容许的特技飞行
permissible action允许动作


1. Bit Error Performance of Two-Dimensional Spread Spectrum System for AWGN Channels (翻译:AWGN信道中二维扩展频谱系统的误码率分析)

2. The state has formally advised me that they will be asking for the supreme penalty permissible by law. (翻译:政府已经告诉过我 他们将会请求处以极刑 法律会允许的)

3. Bob Davies allows that masturbation is biblically permissible. (翻译:鲍勃.戴维斯承认,在圣经中自慰是被准许的。)

4. The laws of kashrut state that permissible foods are divided into groups... (翻译:犹太教的饮食教规 The laws of kashrut state that 将允许食用的食物分成几类 permissible foods are divided into groups)

5. If it is permissible to interpolate a personal humble opinion, I may say that... (翻译:若允许陈述一下个人的管见,我则认为。)

6. That would be a tactical error on your part. (翻译:那会是你的战术错误 That would be a tactical error on your part.)

7. Unstable dimensional openings. (翻译:那是极不稳定的空间 Unstable dimensional openings.)

8. It has an abundance of hair; a slight dewlap is permissible. (翻译:颈部有丰富的毛发,允许有少量赘肉。)

9. It is all about error correction. (翻译:这主要是错误修正 It is all about error correction.)

10. You see, opening dimensional portals is a tricky business. (翻译:opening dimensional portals is a tricky business.)

11. And the quickest way back there is through a dimensional gateway... (翻译:回去的最好办法就是通过我在清洁间里 And the quickest way back there is through a dimensional gateway...)

12. That might prove a costly error. (翻译:你会为此付出不菲的代价 That might prove a costly error.)

13. It does not seem to us, that on such a subject mockery is permissible. (翻译:在这样一种问题前,我们感到嘲笑是不能允许的。)

14. ErrorCode — a value of -1 indicates that the stored procedure was aborted due to some error. (翻译:error Code——值为- 1指示存储过程因发生某种错误而中止。)

15. There is no room for error here. (翻译:There is no room for error here.)

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