mesocaval shunt是什么意思 mesocaval shunt的中文翻译、读音、例句

mesocaval shunt是什么意思 mesocaval shunt的中文翻译、读音、例句

mesocaval shunt在英语中代表"肠系膜静脉分流"的意思,还有肠系膜静脉分流的意思,发音音标为[mesocavalshunt],mesocaval shunt常被用作名词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到53个与mesocaval shunt相关的例句。

Mesocaval shunt的词典翻译


例句:I had a big shunt again that same year at Suzuka, when the rear suspension broke and I went into the tyre wall. (在同年的铃鹿我再一次逃过了一截,那时后悬挂断了,撞向了轮胎墙。)


mesocaval shunt一般作为名词使用,如在mesocaval([网络] 中间腔静脉)、shunt(转轨 )、electric shunt(电分流器)等常见短语中出现较多。

mesocaval[网络] 中间腔静脉
electric shunt电分流器
electrical shunt[网络] 电短路
endolymphatic shunt内淋巴分流术
external shunt外分路;外分流器
field shunt励磁分路
flexible shunt柔软分路器[分流器]
galvanometer shunt[电] 电流计分流器


1. To reduce errors due to shunt resistance, use cables, connectors, and test fixturing with the highest possible insulation resistance. (翻译:为了降低由分流电阻引起的误差,使用绝缘电阻尽可能高的电缆、连接器和测试夹具。)

2. The cause of arterio-portal shunt and its significance in treatment were discussed. (翻译:讨论了动—静脉分流产生的原因和在原发性肝癌治疗上的价值。)

3. The road resources between arterials that are left unused are explored to shunt the traffic of arterial network, not only alleviating traffic pressure but also saving land and investment. (翻译:利用干道和干道间未被充分利用白勺道路资源来分流干道网络上白勺交通,既缓解了交通拥堵压力,又节约了土地和资金。)

4. We're gonna put a shunt into one of the ventricles to give the cerebrospinal fluid an out. (翻译:我们会将分流通管放入其中的一个脑室 使脑脊液流出来)

5. The Shunt configured switch of SPST and SPDT are implemented and measured. (翻译:并有实作与量测并联式的单刀单掷和单刀双掷开关。)

6. the effect of hydrocephalus treatment by extremal ventricular drainage and ventriculo-peritoneal shunt is reliable and significant. (翻译:根据不同类型对脑积水进行脑室外引流或脑室-腹腔分流术的方法疗效可靠。)

7. In such an arrangement, CIN doesn't shunt RFB, and has only a fraction of the effect it would have with a shunt picoammeter. (翻译:在这种情况下,CIN不会对RFB分流。其影响与分流皮安计的情况相比是很小的。)

8. Adjustable Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference, 0.5% accuracy. (翻译:可调节精密微功耗并联电压参考,0.5%精确度。)

9. SR Brand BWF 10. 5-30-1 Shunt Capacitor is granted as high quality product of. (翻译:上容牌BWF10.5-30-1型并联电容器被评为浙江省优质产品。)

10. shepherd,I've been paging you.Shunt patient,O.R. Two. (翻译:Shepherd 我一直在呼你 分流术 二号手术室)

11. The performance was significantly different between the two shunt groups and not shunted congenitally hydrocephalic rats. (翻译:在两个分流组和未分流的先天性脑积水大鼠之间,其表现差异显着。)

12. Not right now, we had to put a shunt in his leg and he's sedated... (翻译:现在不宜 我们在他腿上装了分流器 先让他镇定下来)

13. Province. SR Brand BWF Series low voltage shunt Capacitor is granted as high quality product of. (翻译:上容牌BWF系列低压并联电容器被评为浙江省优质产品。)

14. The aim is to reduce the reignition rate and over-voltage damage from the perspective of the mechanical characteristics of the vacuum breaker switching shunt capacitor Banks. (翻译:最终的目标是从真空断路器机械特性方面入手,降低操作并联电容器组时的重燃率、并减小操作过电压危害。)

15. Objective To explore the feasibility of CT-guided puncture and cystoperitoneal shunt in the treatment of septum pellucidum cysts. (翻译:目的探讨CT引导下穿刺透明隔囊肿-腹腔分流术治疗透明隔囊肿的可行性。)

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