personnel scientist是什么意思 personnel scientist的中文翻译、读音、例句

personnel scientist是什么意思 personnel scientist的中文翻译、读音、例句

personnel scientist的意思是"劳务专家",其次还有"人事专家"的意思,单词读音音标为[personnelscientist],personnel scientist在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到83个与personnel scientist相关的例句。

Personnel scientist的词典翻译


例句:I know you have our scientist. (我知道我们的研究员在你手里 I know you have our scientist.)


例句:- What, are you a scientist, dude? (- 恶心 - 怎么你什么时候变科学家了?)


personnel scientist一般作为名词使用,如在scientist(科学家 )、earth scientist(地学家;地球科学家, 地球学者)、dismal scientist(dismal science,the的变形)等常见短语中出现较多。

earth scientist地学家;地球科学家, 地球学者
dismal scientistdismal science,the的变形
environmental scientist[网络] 环境科学家;环保科学家;环境保护科学家
fellow scientist同行科学家
food scientist食品科学家
forensic scientist[网络] 法医;法科学学家;法医科学家
gentleman scientist[网络] 绅士科学家
hard scientist硬科学家,自然科学家


1. You think that scientist will help us out? (翻译:You think that scientist will help us out?)

2. A personnel report signed by Phillip Ward. (翻译:菲利普·沃德亲自签署的人事报告 A personnel report signed by Phillip Ward.)

3. The resources belong to trained rescue personnel that... (翻译:资源该由训练有素的救援人员... The resources belong to trained rescue personnel that...)

4. But he was a natural born scientist. (翻译:但他却是天生的科学家 But he was a natural born scientist.)

5. All flight personnel, please report to your commanders immediately. (翻译:全体机组人员 All flight personnel, 立即向你的指挥官报到 please report to your commanders immediately.)

6. Technicians and pharmacists are paramedical personnel. (翻译:技术员和药剂师都是医事辅助人员。)

7. The dying words of her father, an Imperial scientist? (翻译:就凭她的父亲 一个帝国科学家的临终遗言 The dying words of her father, an Imperial scientist?)

8. Formed by crusading scientist, Professor James Marcus. (翻译:由激进的科学家詹姆斯·马库斯成立 Formed by crusading scientist, Professor James Marcus.)

9. Restricted personnel only. (翻译:没有权限 不准擅入 Restricted personnel only.)

10. So, is his brother like a scientist, or something? (翻译:So, is his brother like a scientist, or something? 这么说,他弟弟是科学家还是什么人?)

11. Muster all personnel to escape hatches. (翻译:Surface the ship. Prepare to muster all personnel to escape hatches.)

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13. Gai Baoluo very seriously, sometimes to the Ministry of Personnel, Ministry of Personnel in the confidential state of serious investigation. (翻译:盖保罗会非常重视,有时会转给人事部,由人事部在保密的状态下认真调查。)

14. Mary is a scientist, and her specialist subject is color. (翻译:玛莉是科学家 Mary is a scientist, 她专攻颜色 and her specialist subject is color.)

15. Nowe technology has a superb professional, experienced senior technical personnel and senior management personnel. (翻译:诺威科技拥有一批专业精湛、经验丰富的高级技术人才和资深管理人才。)

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