perthitization是什么意思 perthitization的中文翻译、读音、例句

perthitization是什么意思 perthitization的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Give me a number so--I have to- look,just give me a number.Iz- get me a smaller tube,a 6-0. (留一个号码给我 我必须... - 你给我一个号码 Iz... - 给我一个小点的 6)


1. Could you send my press card to Perth? (翻译:Oh! Also... Could you send my press card to Perth?)

2. The dispersion settlement is called one after another in today Melbourne, Arab League Redd and Perth's place establishes. (翻译:分散的定居点相继在今日被称为墨尔本、阿得雷德和佩思的地方建立起来。)

3. Gavin Vallely, the managing partner of Holman Fenwick, said in a statement the firm has aimed to launch a Perth office since 2006, when it set up its Melbourne branch. (翻译:加文·威勒里,夏礼文的管理合伙人,在一份声明中称律所自xx年开设墨尔本代表处起就想成立珀斯代表处。)

4. Market gardens were concentrated in and around the cities of Sydney, Melbourne, Cairns and Perth. (翻译:市场花园都集中在城市周围的悉尼,墨尔本,凯恩斯和珀斯。)

5. oya , This comb seemed very valuable, Mother is trying to poison ['p? iz? n]me? (翻译:公主:【继续翻篮子】:“哦呀,这个梳子貌似很值钱啊,母后是想毒死我吗?”)

6. Mamer and IZ, a Kazakh band from Xinjiang, are a legend in China's independent music scene. (翻译:新疆的哈萨克族音乐家马木尔和他的IZ乐队在中国的独立音乐界是一个具有传奇色彩的名字。)

7. Justine Henin could also be in China later this year enroute to Australia for the start of the new tennis season on January 1, 2011 at the Hopman Cup in Perth. (翻译:海宁在今年晚些时候可能会来中国,然后踏上前往澳大利亚的航班。她将参加xx年xx月在珀斯举行的霍普曼杯,开始自己新赛季的征程。)

8. Film is a kind of art th at combine sp ace and time, also be ac carrier of an ation " culture, at these ame time embody an ation" tradition. (翻译:电影是一门空间与时间相结合的艺术,同时也是整个社会、文化的外化形式,承载着一个国家、一个民族的传统。)

9. A British couple said that they encountered a great white shark when it nudged their dinghy as they fished at the Perth beach of Australia's west coast. (翻译:一对英国夫妇说,他们在澳大利亚西海岸的珀斯海滩钓鱼时遇到了一条大白鲨,当时鲨鱼在水下轻推了他们的小船。)

10. Lisle said. The firm has 30 bankers in Australia, so the Perth office could end up representing nearly 20% of its national presence. (翻译:该公司在整个澳大利亚有30位银行家,因此,珀斯办事处最终的员工数量将占全国员工总数的近20%。)

11. Perth what is so important that you wanted to meet here? (翻译:珀斯是什么是非常重要的,你要在这里开会?)

12. Martin Dougiamas at Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Australia developed the first version in 2001. (翻译:位于澳大利亚珀斯的科廷科技大学的Martin Dougiamas于xx年开发出第一个版本。)

13. They could trap the flies, send them to him in Perth. (翻译:学生们抓到苍蝇以后,将它们送回苍蝇医生在珀斯的研究室。)

14. I received an inv IT ation to the party yesterday, but I refused to accept IT. (翻译:昨天我接到一份参加晚会的邀请,拒绝了接受。)

15. A Tentative Study on the Cohesion and Coherence in Sun Zhili's Chinese Transl ation of Pride and Prejudice (翻译:浅论《傲慢与偏见》孙致礼中译本的衔接与连贯)

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