pharomacrus mocinoes是什么意思 pharomacrus mocinoes的中文翻译、读音、例句

pharomacrus mocinoes是什么意思 pharomacrus mocinoes的中文翻译、读音、例句

pharomacrus mocinoes通常被翻译为"的复数"的意思,作为名词时有"网络"的意思,在线发音:[pharomacrusmocinoes],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到56个与pharomacrus mocinoes相关的句子。

Pharomacrus mocinoes的翻译


例句:Well, ladies and gentlemen That aroma enriching the breeze (好了,女士们、先生们 与其陶醉在这香气里)

例句:That, sir, is the aroma of, uh, wet cardboard and mold. (先生 是湿纸箱和霉菌的味道 That, sir, is the aroma of, uh, wet cardboard and mold.)


pharomacrus mocinoes一般作为名词使用,如在genus Pharomacrus([网络] Pharomacrus属)、Pharomacrus mocino([网络] Pharomachrus mocinno)等常见短语中出现较多。

genus Pharomacrus[网络] Pharomacrus属
Pharomacrus mocino[网络] Pharomachrus mocinno


1. I know this because we were measuring the pH when this picture was taken. (翻译:拍这张照片的时候 我们正在测试pH值。)

2. Now, over here, they're measuring the pH levels. (翻译:现在,在这里, 他们正在测量的pH水平。)

3. Objective:To investigate the application of computed radiography (CR) in intravenous pyelography. (翻译:目的:探讨CR在静脉肾盂造影中的应用。)

4. We cater to the elite, the creme de la creme. (翻译:the crème de la crème.)

5. It needs to be around 7.5, the same pH as human tears. (翻译:它需要约7.5, 相同pH值的人的眼泪。)

6. They will never be light aroma, aroma that just do not Oh, but I love them swinging in the wind treason publicity. (翻译:她们永远不会香气袭人,仅仅的一点香气都没有呵,只爱她们在风中张扬摆动的叛逆。)

7. Objective Discuss the applicable value of combine DFR and CR in IVU. (翻译:目的探讨DFR与CR联合运用在静脉尿路造影中的应用价值。)

8. Integration of the transduced gene was detected by genomic PCR. (翻译:用P CR检测转导基因在基因组中的整合。)

9. The vote went ahead despite the noes in referendums in France and the Netherlands. (翻译:而此前在法国及荷兰的公民投票中,该法案并没有得到通过。)

10. Pure water is neutral with a pH of 7. (翻译:纯净水是中性的,PH值为7。)

11. CR: Yeah. And then there's a privacy side of it. (翻译:查理·罗斯:没错,然后还有隐私方面的问题。)

12. Hindus have taken great pains to teach us that tea loses its aroma unless properly sealed. (翻译:印度人煞费苦心教我们 茶叶不封好会失去香味)

13. ♪ ph-phresh out, ph-phresh out the runway. ♪ (翻译:♪ Phresh out the runway ♪ ♪ Phresh out, phresh out the runway ♪ ♪ I hear you walk ♪)

14. And different pH values in the fermenter culture conditions, the EPS found in the pH 5 the highest biological activity. (翻译:而在控不同pH值发酵槽条件下培养,发现于pH5的多糖其生物活性最高。)

15. For example, your WBS code for a specific subtask is Ph3. Prj5. Arch. Task3. (翻译:例如,某特定子任务的WBS代码是Ph3.)


pharomacrus mocinoes作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有0、pharomacrus、mocino/1、s等。

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