phenytoin gingival hyperplasia是什么意思 phenytoin gingival hyperplas

phenytoin gingival hyperplasia是什么意思 phenytoin gingival hyperplas

phenytoin gingival hyperplasia通常被翻译为"苯妥英龈增生"的意思,其次还有"苯妥英龈增生"的意思,在线发音:[phenytoingingivalhyperplasia],phenytoin gingival hyperplasia常被用作名词,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到96个与phenytoin gingival hyperplasia相关的句子。

Phenytoin gingival hyperplasia的中文翻译


例句:Objective to study the effects of hemoperfusion on the patients with severe phenytoin sodium intoxication. (目的研究血液灌流对严重苯妥英钠中毒患者的治疗作用。)


phenytoin gingival hyperplasia一般作为名词使用,如在gingival hyperplasia(牙龈增生)、dilantin gingival hyperplasia(苯妥英龈增生)、phenytoin(n. [药]苯妥英,二苯乙内酰脲( 用作抗惊厥和抗癫痫药))等常见短语中出现较多。

gingival hyperplasia牙龈增生
dilantin gingival hyperplasia苯妥英龈增生
phenytoinn. [药]苯妥英,二苯乙内酰脲( 用作抗惊厥和抗癫痫药)
phenytoin sodium[化] 苯妥英钠\n[医] 苯妥英钠, 地仑丁钠, 二苯乙内酰脲钠
epiphyseal hyperplasia骨骺增生
erythroblastic hyperplasia红血球胚细胞增生症
endothelial hyperplasia内皮细胞增生


1. We also encountered in patients with endometrial hyperplasia testing positive for HCG. (翻译:我们还遇到过子宫内膜增生患者出现HCG检测阳性。)

2. Objective To investigate the diagnosis and treatment of primary adrenal medullar hyperplasia(PAMH). (翻译:目的:探讨高血压伴肾上腺增生患者的临床特点。)

3. What he had was an extreme form of a condition called congenital adrenal hyperplasia. (翻译:他所有的是一种很极端的病症 叫做类固醇21-羟化酶缺乏症 )

4. The attached gingiva is the part of gingival tissues that is continuous with the marginal gingiva. (翻译:所附的牙龈是牙龈组织的一部分,这是连续的边缘牙龈。)

5. Articular cartilage tissue was destructed accompanied with collagen fibre hyperplasia and pannus formation. (翻译:关节软骨组织破损、剥脱,胶原纤维增生,有明显的血管翳形成。)

6. It was discovered that the gingival epithelial thickening was one of the important reasons of causing DGO recently. (翻译:近来发现,牙龈上皮细胞增厚也是引起DGO的重要原因之一。)

7. Metal ceramic alloys; Gingivaltis; Gingival crevicular fluid; Vascular endothelial growth factor. (翻译:金属烤瓷;牙龈炎;龈沟液;血管内皮生长因子。)

8. It was discovered that the gingival epithelial thickening was one of the important reasons of causing DGO recently. (翻译:近来发现,牙龈上皮细胞增厚也是引起DGO的重要原因之一。)

9. Articular cartilage tissue was destructed accompanied with collagen fibre hyperplasia and pannus formation. (翻译:关节软骨组织破损、剥脱,胶原纤维增生,有明显的血管翳形成。)

10. Objective: To study the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of congenital hyperplasia of verumontanum(CHV) in children. (翻译:目的:探讨小儿精阜增生症的病因、诊断和治疗。)

11. Do not loose teeth, gum squeezed out when the gingival crevice is no pus. (翻译:不要牙齿松动,挤出口香糖时,牙龈缝隙没有脓。)

12. The observation of tamsulosin for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia with different prostate volume (翻译:盐酸坦索罗辛治疗不同体积良性前列腺增生症的疗效观察)

13. ObjectiveTo evaluate the effects of two kinds of the gingival fiberotomy on the periodontical tissues. (翻译:目的明确两种龈纤维切断术对牙周组织有无影响。)

14. Phenytoin's side effects include drowsiness, acne, overgrowth of the gums, nausea, vomiting, mental confusion, mental slowing. (翻译:苯妥英钠的副作用有 嗜睡、痤疮、牙龈浮肿 恶心、呕吐、精神错乱)

15. A rubber dam is needed to prevent the superoxol from burning the gingival. (翻译:需要做个橡皮障免得牙龈被烧伤了。)

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