photomicrographic lens在英语中代表"显微摄影物镜"的意思,还有摄的意思,在线发音:[photomicrographiclens],photomicrographic lens来源于英语,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到81个与photomicrographic lens相关的例句。
Photomicrographic lens的词典翻译
例句:A cataract is a clouding of the normally clear lens of the eye. (一般应该是清澄的水晶体混浊后便形成白内障)
例句:Some adjustment of the lens may be necessary. (可能需要调整一下镜头。)
photomicrographic lens一般作为名词使用,如在photomicrographic([医]显微照相的)、photomicrographic apparatus([机] 显微镜照相装置)、photomicrographic device(显微摄影装置)等常见短语中出现较多。
photomicrographic | [医]显微照相的 |
photomicrographic apparatus | [机] 显微镜照相装置 |
photomicrographic device | 显微摄影装置 |
photomicrographic technique | 显微照相技术 |
lens | 透镜 |
lens in | 聚焦 |
dielectric lens | [电] 介质透镜 |
diffraction lens | 衍射透镜 |
diffractive lens | 衍射镜 |
1. You were looking into the lens. (翻译:You were looking into the lens. 你在盯着相机镜头看。)
2. Preserving anterior lens capsule on pars plana lensectomy-vitrectomy and posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation in ocular injury (翻译:外伤性白内障保留前囊的晶状体玻璃体切除术)
3. The invention relates to a lens bracket, in particular to a fine adjustment lens bracket used for a laser. (翻译:本发明涉及一种镜架,特别是一种用于激光器上的微调整镜架。)
4. HID car bifocal lens. (翻译:HID汽车双光透镜。)
5. Polish microscope, telescope lens and riflescope. (翻译:显微镜、望远镜片,枪瞄等抛光。)
6. The lens is the main factor causing papillary block. (翻译:晶体是引起瞳孔阻滞的主要因素。)
7. With non-distortion acryl optical lens. (翻译:采用无缩变亚克力光学透镜。)
8. He was professor Lens at the university. (翻译:劳特利奇是雷纳德上大学时的认识的一名教授)
9. This value controls the amount of distortion. Negative values correct lens barrel distortion, while positive values correct lens pincushion distortion. (翻译:此值控制着畸变的量。负数值校正镜头圆桶状面性畸变,而整数值校正镜头针尖状点性畸变。)
10. What was the first lens you bought for your DSLR? (翻译:你为自己的单反购买的第一个镜头是什么镜头?)
11. This newly renovated planetarium will serve as a lens... (翻译:这是修葺一新的天文博物馆为一枚透镜...)
12. If it's circular, you make a spherical lens. (翻译:比如设定为圆形,那么得到的将是球状的镜片)
13. Karl and his partner, Dr. Lens have the busiest clinic in Manhattan. (翻译:Karl和他的合伙人Lens医生的诊所 是曼哈顿生意最好的 工作遇到问题了?)
14. There are two prismatic lens covers on my aquarium. (翻译:我的鱼缸上有两个棱镜盖。)
15. Deposition of triolein on copolymer hydrogel for contact lens (翻译:三油酸甘油酯在共聚物水凝胶膜上的沉积作用)