phototopographical是什么意思 phototopographical的中文翻译、读音、例句

phototopographical是什么意思 phototopographical的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:[whispers] find out the real answer to that question. (照片里的小伙子是谁 Who is the young fellow in the photo,)


1. Toponym Group of National Topographical Bureau, 1983. Toponym Collections of China-Toponym Indexes of China Maps of PRC. Beijing: Map Press. (翻译:国家测绘局科学研究所地名研究室,1983.中国地名录-中华人民共和国地图集地名索引。北京:地图出版社。)

2. When it's off, they're not. (翻译:这张照片是你们行动前一天拍的 This photo was taken the day of your raid.)

3. Explanation: This colorful topographical map of the Moon is centered on the lunar farside, the side not seen from planet Earth. (翻译:这张彩色的月球地形图是她的远地面,也就是在地球上看不到的那一面。)

4. But Maclaren had been one of the first to publish a detailed topographical study of the area. (翻译:但是麦克拉伦则是 发布此地详细地形图的第一人。)

5. And to do this, we built a very rough topographical map of the region around the nuclear power plant. (翻译:于是,我们做了一个 核电站周围区域的 很简单的地形图。)

6. Table Alidade, Instrument used on the board for drafting topographical charts in order to indicate the angles between two points. (翻译:台上用照准仪,在绘图台上使用的工具,用作之处两点间的角度。)

7. I call it the Flint Lockwood Food Jungle Topographical Pointing Machine. (翻译:我管它叫 弗林特・洛克伍德食物丛林... 地形指示器)

8. Taiyuan, Shanxi province, a region located in the county seat Fenhe upstream, the river from west to east, as detailed topographical map. (翻译:山西太原地区某县城位于汾河上游,该河走向自西向东,详见地形图。)

9. He'd also begun to gain a reputation as a talented water colorist, specializing in topographical and architectural pictures. (翻译:他也开始树立声誉,成为人们眼中专精于地形图和建筑画的天才水彩画家。)

10. The Taxkorgan river basin has the characteristics of complicated drainage, changeful topographical feature and obvious flood feature. (翻译:塔什库尔干河流域水系复杂,地貌特征多变,洪水特点明显。)

11. Powerful positional rockets help the HAET-221 reach its target drop site, as does a sophisticated targeting array that quickly maps a planet's topographical features. (翻译:强大的定位火箭能帮助HAET - 221抵达其目标降落位置,同时,精密的目标测绘系统迅速勾画出行星的地形特征。)

12. And as all of this topographical engineering unfolds, we will likely spend more on infrastructure in the next 40 years, we will build more infrastructure in the next 40 years, than we have in the past 4,000 years. (翻译:而随着这个地质学工程的展开, 我们可能会在未来xx年 花更多钱建设基础设施, 未来xx年会比以往xx年 建造更多的基础设施。)

13. Here, it's a constantly changing topographical map... flowing and shifting around the pole in ripples 10,000 years wide. (翻译:这儿,是一幅永远在变化的地形图 1xx年间都围绕着地级做着地壳运动)

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