phyllanthus reticulatus是什么意思 phyllanthus reticulatus的中文翻译、读音、例句

phyllanthus reticulatus是什么意思 phyllanthus reticulatus的中文翻译、读音、例句

phyllanthus reticulatus在中文中有"小果叶下珠"的意思,还有小果叶下珠的意思,在线读音是[phyllanthusreticulatus],phyllanthus reticulatus在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到55个与phyllanthus reticulatus相关的句子。

Phyllanthus reticulatus的翻译


例句:Advances in Study of Chemical Constituents and Pharmacological Effect of Phyllanthus Urinaria L. Against HBV (抗乙肝植物药叶下珠化学成分和药理作用研究进展)


phyllanthus reticulatus一般作为名词使用,如在Phyllanthus reticulatus(n. 小果叶下珠)、reticulatus([网络] 网纹蟒;细纹爱洁蟹;网纹扁手蛙)、phyllanthus(叶下珠 )等常见短语中出现较多。

Phyllanthus reticulatusn. 小果叶下珠
reticulatus[网络] 网纹蟒;细纹爱洁蟹;网纹扁手蛙
halicmetus reticulatus网纹牙棘茄鱼;棘茄鱼
Haplococcus reticulatus[医] 网状单球虫
Lebistes reticulatus[医] 虹鱼
Ledistis reticulatus[医] 食孑孓鲦鱼
lethrinus reticulatus网纹龙占鱼;网纹裸颊鲷;龙尖
Mallotus reticulatusn. 网脉野桐
naso reticulatus网纹鼻鱼;剥皮仔;打铁婆


1. These results suggest that the anti-lipid peroxidation effect and protective action of membrane of Phyllanthus urinaria L were contributed to its protective action against CCl4induced liver injuries. (翻译:结果提示,叶下珠的保护肝脏损伤作用可能与其抗脂质过氧化和膜保护作用有关。)

2. Recently, Zhu has also identified a novel Phyllanthus sp. at Sanya, Hainan Island - called P. amarus. (翻译:朱宇同又在海南岛三亚市郊,发现一种叶下珠的新品种。)

3. Objective: to selecting the best macroporous resin for purifying total polyphenols in Phyllanthus Urinaria l. (翻译:目的:优选用于纯化叶下珠总多酚的大孔树脂。)

4. Objective: To selecting the best macroporous resin for purifying total polyphenols in Phyllanthus Urinaria L. (翻译:目的:优选用于纯化叶下珠总多酚的大孔树脂。)

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