phytal animal是什么意思 phytal animal的中文翻译、读音、例句

phytal animal是什么意思 phytal animal的中文翻译、读音、例句

phytal animal的意思是"叶表动物",还经常被翻译为叶表动物,发音是[phytalanimal],phytal animal是一个英语名词,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到34个与phytal animal相关的例句。

Phytal animal的中文翻译


例句:She was leaving a stuffed animal. (她来留下了一个毛绒玩具 She was leaving a stuffed animal.)


phytal animal一般作为名词使用,如在phytal(四甲基十六碳烯醛)、phytal zone(【生态学】浅水区(湖水浅到可以长植物))、animal(动物的)等常见短语中出现较多。

phytal zone【生态学】浅水区(湖水浅到可以长植物)
the animal[电影]人面兽心
different animal[网络] 不同的动物
diploid animal双倍体动物
draft animal役畜; 挽畜
economic animal经济动物
edge animal边缘动物


1. You injected that animal with an untested compound. (翻译:你给那动物注射了未经测试的化合物 You injected that animal with an untested compound.)

2. ♪ animal print, pants outta control ♪ (翻译:♪Animal print pants outta control♪)

3. What animal appears second most often on flags? (翻译:在旗帜上出现第二多的动物是什么 What animal appears second most often on flags?)

4. Funct is an invocation, but new Animal constructs an object based on the prototype in Animal. (翻译:funct是一种调用,但new Animal却基于animal内的原型构造一个对象。)

5. Meanwhile, ATP content of the phytal meiofauna from the rocky intertidal zone in Qingdao was studied. (翻译:同时还对青岛岩礁附植小型底栖动物的ATP含量进行了研究。)

6. Spoken like a true Animal Fairy. (翻译:讲起话来像个真的动物仙子了 Spoken like a true Animal Fairy.)

7. Mounh and Sounh will be reincarnated as another animal. (翻译:死后将转世为另一种动物 seront réincarnées dans un autre animal.)

8. So no matter what type of animal you are. (翻译:So no matter what type of animal you are. 所以不管你是什么类型的动物。)

9. I feel like a caged animal. (翻译:我感觉像一只困兽 I feel like a caged animal.)

10. Hunting, animal rights, Disney movies with animal characters, other animal tropes. (翻译:狩猎、动物权、迪士尼电影中的动物角色,或其他动物的比喻。)

11. There's an animal, a big animal. (翻译:有一个animaI,一个大animaI的。)

12. Animal tranquilizer used primarily in equine surgery. (翻译:专门用来进行马类手术的动物镇静剂 Animal tranquilizer used primarily in equine surgery.)

13. - When does the animal rest? (翻译:- Well... - When does the animal rest?)

14. They like to herd the animal into a kill zone. (翻译:他们喜欢把猎物聚到一起猎杀 They like to herd the animal into a kill zone.)

15. Do you think the animal is contemplating its own existence? (翻译:你觉得那动物在思考自己的存在? Do you think the animal is contemplating its own existence?)

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