piedbilled grebe是什么意思 piedbilled grebe的中文翻译、读音、例句

piedbilled grebe是什么意思 piedbilled grebe的中文翻译、读音、例句

piedbilled grebe的中文解释是"美国英语",在日常中也代表"亦作"的意思,读音为[piedbilledgrebe],piedbilled grebe常被用作名词,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到82个与piedbilled grebe相关的句子。

Piedbilled grebe的中文翻译


例句:And this Grebe, I think, sort of, mistaked us for a prospect, and started to run along the water next to us, in a courtship dance -- for miles. (而这只鹓䴘,我猜,大概是把我们误认为可能的对象, 开始在我们旁边的水域跑了起来, 跳着求偶舞,跑了好几英里。)


例句:From all directions Winds bring petals of cherry Into the grebe lake. (从各个方向,风带来鲜红的花瓣,把它吹向湖面。)


piedbilled grebe一般作为名词使用,如在piedbilled(grebe [鸟]花嘴䴙䴘)、grebe( )、eared grebe([网络] 黑颈䴙䴘;有耳䴙䴘;小䴙䴘)等常见短语中出现较多。

piedbilledgrebe [鸟]花嘴䴙䴘
eared grebe[网络] 黑颈䴙䴘;有耳䴙䴘;小䴙䴘
grebe cloth长绒棉法兰绒
horned grebe【鸟类】角䴙䴘
little grebe[鸟类]小䴙䴘[产于欧洲的一种普通䴙䴘Tachyhaptus ruficolis]
Slavonian grebe[网络] 角䴙䴘
sun grebe【鸟类】日䴘(=finfoot)
great crested grebe[鸟类](有冠毛的)凤头䴙䴘(Podiceps cristatus, 东半球产的大䴙䴘)


1. The little grebe chicks must be some of the cutest chicks on the river. (翻译:The little grebe chicks 至于凤头䴙䴘的雏鸟 must be some of the cutest chicks on the river. 必定是这条河上最可爱的小家伙)

2. A young grebe. (翻译:一只年轻的水鸟。)

3. A newly hatched red-necked grebe relaxes, safe under mom's wing. (翻译:刚孵出的赤颈䴙䴘在妈妈羽翼的庇护下,惬意地打量着周围的一切。)

4. A newly hatched red-necked grebe relaxes, safe under mom's wing. (翻译:刚孵出的赤颈䴙䴘在妈妈羽翼的庇护下,惬意地打量着周围的一切。)

5. American grebe having a black-banded whitish bill. (翻译:发白的嘴上有黑色斑纹的美洲。)

6. For reference, I cite the alleged sun grebe last summer. (翻译:供参考, 我举被指控 太阳䴙䴘去年夏天。)

7. And this Grebe, I think, sort of, mistaked us for a prospect, and started to run along the water next to us, in a courtship dance -- for miles. (翻译:而这只鹓䴘,我猜,大概是把我们误认为可能的对象, 开始在我们旁边的水域跑了起来, 跳着求偶舞,跑了好几英里。)

8. Grebe parents will actually pluck their own feathers and feed them to the chicks. (翻译:Grebe parents will actually pluck their own feathers 䴙䴘父母会拔掉自己身上的羽毛 and feed them to the chicks. 来喂养孩子)

9. Because I get to talk about one of my favorite critters, which is the Western Grebe. You haven't lived until you've seen these guys do their courtship dance. (翻译:因为我可以谈谈我最喜欢的生物之一, 那就是北美鹓䴘。那就是北美鹓䴘。你一辈子一定要看看这些家伙跳过求偶舞之后,你才算没白活。)

10. Because I get to talk about one of my favorite critters, which is the Western Grebe. You haven't lived until you've seen these guys do their courtship dance. (翻译:因为我可以谈谈我最喜欢的生物之一, 那就是北美鹓䴘。那就是北美鹓䴘。你一辈子一定要看看这些家伙跳过求偶舞之后,你才算没白活。)

11. And this Grebe, I think, sort of, mistaked us for a prospect, and started to run along the water next to us, in a courtship dance — for miles. (翻译:而这只鹓䴘,我猜,大概是把我们误认为可能的对象,开始在我们旁边的水域跑了起来, 跳着求偶舞,跑了好几英里。)

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