pigment brown是什么意思 pigment brown的中文翻译、读音、例句

pigment brown是什么意思 pigment brown的中文翻译、读音、例句

pigment brown在中文中有"颜料棕"的意思,作为名词时有"颜料棕"的意思,发音音标为[pigmentbrown],pigment brown常被用作名词,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到22个与pigment brown相关的例句。

Pigment brown的释义


例句:The viral vector changed the pigment. (病毒载体改变了色素细胞 The viral vector changed the pigment.)


pigment brown一般作为名词使用,如在brown(棕色的 )、pigment(色素)、done brown([网络] 做完棕色)等常见短语中出现较多。

done brown[网络] 做完棕色
do brown〈俗〉欺骗;使…上当;干得好,干得彻底
Father Brown布朗神父(著名侦探作家G.K.切斯特顿笔下的著名侦探)
Fort Brown[地名] 布朗堡 ( 南非 )
garnet brown(红棕色)石榴石棕
gentleman in brown〈谑〉臭虫
golden brown金棕色


1. The light brown pigment seen here in the necrotic hepatocytes around the central vein is lipochrome. (翻译:图中中央静脉周围坏死肝细胞中的浅褐色色素为脂褐素。)

2. Prevent pigment deposition, whiten skin, circulate blocked pores, and weaken yellow pigment, nutrients &moisture for skin. (翻译:防止色素沉淀,美白祛斑,疏通毛孔,淡化黄色素。充分营养水份。)

3. bole: any of various soft, fine clays, especially a reddish-brown variety used as a pigment. (翻译:红玄武土颗粒:微小的松软土,尤指用作颜料的一种红棕色粘土。)

4. Pink Leyding cells are seen here in the interstitium. Note the pale golden brown pigment as well. There is active spermatogenesis. (翻译:间质组织中可见粉红色的间质细胞。同时可见淡黄*色褐色素。那里正有精子形成。)

5. This article has reviewed the current status and development of a new conductive pigment-flake pearlescent pigment. (翻译:综述了近年来国内外的一种新型导电颜料————片状导电珠光颜料的现状及发展情况。)

6. The natural pigment extracted from the Eleocharis tuberosa peel is a kind of safe, not poisonous and edible pigment. (翻译:从荸荠皮中提取的天然色素是一种安全无毒的食用色素。)

7. Instead, people with blue eyes have a brown pigment, known as melamin, at the back of their irises but have low concentrations of melanin in the front of their irises. (翻译:相反,蓝眼睛的人有一种褐色色素,被称之为黑色素,位于虹膜背部,但在虹膜前部黑色素浓度较低。)

8. My name is Sarah Brown Wessling. (翻译:我的名字是Sarah Brown Wessling。)

9. That and a bottle of brown. (翻译:That and a bottle of brown. 还有一瓶布朗)

10. - Snoopy and Charlie Brown. (翻译:-snoopy和Charlie Brown啊)

11. - James Brown is on his way. (翻译:? - James Brown is on his way.)

12. Claudia Brown, I have no intention of telling you. (翻译:Claudia Brown 其他的我不想告诉你)

13. This gene acts in the hair follicles where the melanocyte can switch between eumelanin and phaeomelanin (dark pigment and tan pigment). (翻译:此基因作用于毛囊中,也就是黑色素细胞内分化为真黑素还是棕黑素的地方。)

14. Brown... heaven help us, indeed. (翻译:- 布朗大学... - 天啊 - Brown...)

15. The viral vector that landed on her skin will change her pigment first. (翻译:沾上她皮肤的病毒载体 The viral vector that landed on her skin 会首先改变她的色素细胞 will change her pigment first.)

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