pigouvian tax是什么意思 pigouvian tax的中文翻译、读音、例句

pigouvian tax是什么意思 pigouvian tax的中文翻译、读音、例句

pigouvian tax的意思是"庇古税",还经常被翻译为皮古税,读音为[pigouviantax],pigouvian tax常被用作名词,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到92个与pigouvian tax相关的例句。

Pigouvian tax的中文翻译


例句:the last three years the company paid tax or tax includes business tax, profit tax, payroll tax or other tax proved. (近xx年公司税单或税务交纳证明,包括营业税、利润税、工资税或其它税务证明。)


例句:Tax increases remain possible: a tax on fizzy drinks has been considered, and a new millionaires' tax may yet be introduced. (增税也是有可能的:立法者们正考虑着对碳酸饮料征税,并且也可能要引入一种新的富人税。)


pigouvian tax一般作为名词使用,如在pigouvian([网络] 皮古)、tax on tax(税上税)、tax on(税)等常见短语中出现较多。

pigouvian[网络] 皮古
tax on tax税上税
tax on
tax with指控〔指责〕(某人)干了某事; 使负责任
to tax[网络] 征税;课税;使负担重
direct tax[经] 直接税
double tax双重税
earmarked tax目的税
earning tax[税收] 入息税


1. I was with my wife and our tax attorney all night. (翻译:我整晚都和我妻子 I was with my wife 以及我们的税务律师在一起 and our tax attorney all night.)

2. the term "tax" means Omani tax or Chinese tax, as the context requires. (翻译:“税收”一语按照上下文,是指阿曼税收或者中国税收;)

3. They put 180 percent tax on gasoline cars and zero tax on zero-emission cars. (翻译:丹麦政府对所有汽油车征收百分之180的税, 不对零排放量的汽车征收任何税收。)

4. Excluded Fuel Surcharge, Insurance, China Airport Tax, Bangkok Airport Tax and Samui Airport Tax. (翻译:不含燃油附加税,保险税,中国、曼谷及苏梅岛机场税。)

5. For information on taxes and filing, talk with a professional tax preparer or tax attorney. (翻译:想了解有关税收申报方面的信息,可与税务专家或者是税务律师联系。)

6. -The income tax is not legal because it would be a direct tax, and it is Not apportioned, as the Constitution demands. (翻译:―所得税不是一项合法的税收,因为它是一项直接税收不会像宪法要求的那样实行再分配。)

7. The only problem is that the tax on tobacco is a major source of revenue for the government. (翻译:但问题是 烟草税是政府税收主要来源 The only problem is that the tax is a major source of revenue for the government.)

8. Bank statements, tax returns, all jive. (翻译:银行记录 返税记录 一切记录都在 Bank statements, tax returns, all jive.)

9. A tax imposed on the employer by the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) based on amounts of payrolls . (翻译:联邦州失业税是由联邦州失业税法案规定按照工资总额向雇主征收的税金。)

10. -The federal government in the constitution can tax almost anything, as long as direct tax is apportioned. (翻译:联邦政府在宪法里可以税收几乎任何东西,只要直接税是平摊的 间接税是比如说像消费税,我为了避免汽油上的消费税,所以我可以选择骑自行车)

11. We see ourselves as very much post-tax. (翻译:我们的自身定位是后税主义。We see ourselves as very much post -tax.)

12. The second part is about tax legalism of china tax law . (翻译:第二部分是我国税法中的税收法定主义评析。)

13. Then there's a eight percent state tax, a seven percent city tax... a 1 2% airport tax, a 32% stimulus tax and, of course, the valet fee. (翻译:然后,有一个国家税收百分之八, 百分之七城市税... 1 2%的机场税,所得税32%的刺激 ,当然,代客费。)

14. Franking accounts, franking deficit tax liabilities and the related tax offset (翻译:扣除重复课税管理账户、新商务税收义务及相关的税收抵减)

15. But would a tax cut matter all that much? (翻译:可是弗兰克 减点税不用这么小题大做吧? But would a tax cut matter all that much?)

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