pile sinking是什么意思 pile sinking的中文翻译、读音、例句

pile sinking是什么意思 pile sinking的中文翻译、读音、例句

pile sinking的中文解释是"沉桩",其次还有"沉桩"的意思,在线读音是[pilesinking],pile sinking来源于英语,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到81个与pile sinking相关的句子。

Pile sinking的中文翻译


例句:Think this is in the discard pile? (Think this is in the discard pile?)


pile sinking一般作为名词使用,如在sinking(n. 沉没, 降低, 衰颓感\n[法] 偿还债务)、sinking in(un. 晕倒;西斜;渗入;打进心坎\n[网络] 沦陷)、sinking into(陷入)等常见短语中出现较多。

sinkingn. 沉没, 降低, 衰颓感\n[法] 偿还债务
sinking inun. 晕倒;西斜;渗入;打进心坎\n[网络] 沦陷
sinking into陷入
in pile堆内
pile in挤入,塞进
pile in on像要攻击一样地围绕(某人)
pile into挤入, 进入
pile it on夸张


1. The sun was sinking in the west. (翻译:太阳西坠。)

2. You certainly can pile on the agony. (翻译:你真的可以替人增加痛苦 You certainly can pile on the agony.)

3. Sinking? Only ships would sink. (翻译:沉什么,船才会沉嘛 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Sinking?)

4. Are you sure you want to pile on? (翻译:你确定要火上浇油吗 {\3cH202020}Are you sure you want to pile on?)

5. Every year the projects pile shrinks while the victims pile... (翻译:每年就看到计划中成员的那堆越来越少 而牺牲品的那堆...)

6. More bodies are gonna pile up. (翻译:更多的尸体会堆积成山 More bodies are gonna pile up.)

7. Left a pile of smoldering ash." (翻译:留下了一堆阴燃的灰烬 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Left a pile of smoldering ash.)

8. Meanwhile, the side friction resistance and axial stress of each pile change diversely along the pile length. (翻译:同时各桩的桩侧摩阻力及桩身轴力沿桩长的变化也有所不同。)

9. The owner's sinking a lot into restoration. (翻译:业主投下大量资金翻新这座公寓 就连最细微的地方都不放过)

10. This is a pile of shinny silver! (翻译:是一饔银光闪闪的白银啊! )

11. - In a pile with others that were... scanned. (翻译:- Where was it? - In a pile with others that were... scanned.)

12. She watched him go with a sinking heart. (翻译:她心情沉重地看着他走了。)

13. From the slowly sinking ship (翻译:From the slowly sinking ship)

14. It was on quicksand... and sinking... deeper and deeper. (翻译:流沙... 而且正在淹没着我... 越来越深...)

15. And more appeared in worthless films before sinking into oblivion (翻译:而且,在被人遗忘之前, 也就出演了一些不值一提的电影)

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