pineal ventricle是什么意思 pineal ventricle的中文翻译、读音、例句

pineal ventricle是什么意思 pineal ventricle的中文翻译、读音、例句

pineal ventricle的意思是"医",其中文解释还有"松果隐窝"的意思,在线读音是[pinealventricle],pineal ventricle是一个英语名词,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到73个与pineal ventricle相关的例句。

Pineal ventricle的释义


例句:Study of carthamus tinctorius extract on left ventricle in pressure-overloaded hypertrophy rats (红花提取物预防腹主动脉缩窄大鼠左室肥厚的实验研究)


例句:Resect pediatric pineal region tumors by trans frontal callosal-interforniceal approach (经额胼胝体-穹隆间入路切除儿童松果体区肿瘤)


pineal ventricle一般作为名词使用,如在pineal(松果状的 )、ventricle(心室 )、pineal apparatus(松果器)等常见短语中出现较多。

pineal apparatus松果器
pineal appendage[医] 松果体
pineal blastoma松果体胚细胞瘤
pineal bodies[医] 松果体
pineal body[化] 松果体
pineal calcification松果体钙化
pineal calculus[医] 脑沙, 松果体钙化


1. The ventricular valves, called the tricuspid in the right ventricle and the mitral in the left, can be seen through the clear water opening and closing like parachutes as the ventricle is rhythmically squeezed. (翻译:心室瓣膜有左右之分,右心室的称为三尖瓣 左心室的称为两尖瓣 在注水时 可以看到它们像降落伞一样打开、闭合 但要同时有节奏地捏心室 )

2. The ipsilateral lateral ventricle and cortical sulci enlarge as a result of parenchymal volume loss. (翻译:脑实质容量的减低导致了同侧侧脑室和脑沟扩大。)

3. Study of dynamic changes of myocardial fibrosis in different areas of SHRs'left ventricle (翻译:自发性高血压大鼠左室不同部位心肌纤维化的动态变化)

4. If the valve becomes very stenotic and insufficient, severe pressure builds up in the left ventricle, which can injure the heart. (翻译:严重的主动脉狭窄和关闭不全,会使左室压力升高从而损伤心脏。)

5. Through the superior vena cava... into the right atrium... through the tricuspid valve... and lodging to the wall of the right ventricle. (翻译:通过上腔静脉... 进入右心房 穿过心脏三角瓣...)

6. There are eight endocrine glands in the body: pituitary, pineal, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, adrenals, pancreas and gonads. (翻译:身体中有八个内分泌腺体:脑垂体、松果体、甲状腺、副甲状腺、胸腺、肾上腺、胰腺和性腺。)

7. A study on regional isovolumic relaxation time of left ventricle in patients with CAD by pulsed- wave Doppler tissue imaging (翻译:应用脉冲多普勒组织成像测量冠心病左室局部等容舒张时间的价值)

8. From the body... to the right auricle... to the right ventricle... and out the pulmonary arteries to the lungs. (翻译:从身体到右心耳 再到右心室 从肺动脉流到肺脏)

9. Puff also used red and purple, to a good friend drew a squirrel babe shipped pineal painting children. (翻译:蓬蓬又用赤色和紫色,给好朋友松鼠贝贝画了一幅运松果的画儿。)

10. The chip is functioning properly, but what I did find is that excess stimulation to the pineal gland... caused the dopamine levels to go through the roof. (翻译:该芯片 是否正常, 确实发现 是多余的刺激 松果体... 导致多巴胺水平 要通过屋顶。)

11. Application of CDFI in Single Ventricle with Series of Modified Fontan Operation (翻译:彩色多普勒超声在单心室系列Fontan手术的应用)

12. Study on the Ependyma of the Third Ventricle in the Mice with Vascular Dementia by Scanning Electron Microscopy (翻译:血管性痴呆小鼠第三脑室室管膜扫描电镜特征观察)

13. Most diverticula arise from left ventricle, more rarely from right ventricle, or both. (翻译:大部分为左室憩室,右室憩室较少,也可发生在两个心室。)

14. The spinal column, nerve fibers, feet, pineal gland, telepathic functions, white corpuscles of the blood, kinesthetic functions. (翻译:脊柱,神经元,脚,松果体,心灵感应,白血球,动觉机能。)

15. Influence of Losartan and Ramipril to Left Ventricle Reconstruction after Acute Myocardial Infarction (翻译:缬沙坦贝那普利对急性心肌梗塞后左心室重构的影响)

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