piolines是什么意思 piolines的中文翻译、读音、例句

piolines是什么意思 piolines的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. Los piolines son aves muy activas y divertidas. (小黄鸟非常活泼可爱。)

2. Me encanta ver los piolines volar por el jardín. (我喜欢看小黄鸟在花园里飞来飞去。)

3. El piolín es considerado un pájaro de buena suerte en algunas culturas. (小黄鸟在一些文化中被认为是幸运鸟。)

4. Los piolines pueden ser vistos en muchas partes del mundo. (小黄鸟可以在世界上很多地方看到。)

5. El nido de los piolines es muy pequeño y delicado. (小黄鸟的巢非常小和脆弱。)

6. Los piolines son muy comunes en los bosques y zonas verdes. (小黄鸟在森林和绿色地区非常普遍。)

7. La belleza de los piolines es impresionante. (小黄鸟的美丽令人惊叹。)

8. Los piolines tienen un plumaje amarillo brillante y una pequeña cola. (小黄鸟有着明亮的黄色羽毛和小小的尾巴。)

9. La música de los piolines es una de las más bellas del mundo aviar. (小黄鸟的歌声是世界鸟类中最美丽的之一。)




例句:Can we not get hung up on knowing lines? (能先别计较谁知道谁的台词吗? Can we not get hung up on knowing lines?)


例句:And the lines, crooked lines, they formed a word. (然后这些线条, 这些歪歪斜斜的线条便形成了单词。)


例句:Lynch has all your comm lines. (林奇掌握着你所有的通讯线路 Lynch has all your comm lines)


1. Lynch has all your comm lines. (翻译:林奇掌握着你所有的通讯线路 Lynch has all your comm lines)

2. ♪ Encircle the front lines ♪ (翻译:* Encircle the front lines *)

3. How do you know the lines? (翻译:你怎么知道台词的? How do you know the lines?)

4. Multiple dedicated T-1 lines, state-of-the-art engineering, unlimited resources. (翻译:- It is. 多个专用T1线路 Multiple dedicated T -1 lines,)

5. These lines are right here. (翻译:- 台词全都熟记于心了 - 这才说得通 - These lines are right here.)

6. Girls love straight lines crisscrossing, crisscrossing. (翻译:女孩们喜欢纵横交错的的直线 Girls love straight lines crisscrossing, crisscrossing.)

7. You cannot make up your own lines! (翻译:你们不能随便乱改台词 {\3cH202020}You cannot make up your own lines!)

8. ♪ another day, to swing on clothes lines, (翻译:♪ to swing on clothes lines)

9. Behind enemy lines behind friendly lines. (翻译:我们在敌人的防线... ...在保护的后防。)

10. Some of them try to make up their own lines. (翻译:一些人试图自己想词 Some of them try to make up their own lines)

11. Along the same lines of, uh, reconciliation, (翻译:基于想要和解的共同意愿 along the same lines of, uh, reconciliation,)

12. I can read between the lines. (翻译:! 我能体会言外之意 I can read between the lines.)

13. ¶ not to read in between the lines ¶ (翻译:# not to read in between the lines #)

14. Me and the tribesmen on the front lines? (翻译:让我和山地部落在一线作战? Me and the tribesmen on the front lines?)

15. Isn't that right, Devin? Anyway, we didn't know, and apparently, (翻译:Devin? 事情会变成这样 The lines got crossed somehow.)



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