piriform sinuses是什么意思 piriform sinuses的中文翻译、读音、例句

piriform sinuses是什么意思 piriform sinuses的中文翻译、读音、例句

piriform sinuses在英语中代表"医"的意思,在日常中也代表"梨状隐窝"的意思,发音音标为[piriformsinuses],piriform sinuses在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到26个与piriform sinuses相关的例句。

Piriform sinuses的中文翻译


例句:The piriform is the muscle that helps your hip to rotate. (梨装肌是让你进行转髋动作的肌肉。)


例句:And this bone is peppered, as you can see, with the light shining through the skull with cavities, the sinuses, which warm and moisten the air we breathe. (这块骨头 布满了 正如你看到的 穿透过头盖骨的光线 还有空腔, 鼻窦, 使我们吸入的空气变的温暖和湿润。)


piriform sinuses一般作为名词使用,如在piriform([医] 梨状的, 梨形的)、sinuses(湾, 穴, 窦, 窦房结, 窦道, 鼻窦, 瘘, 瘘管)、piriform aperture(梨状孔)等常见短语中出现较多。

piriform[医] 梨状的, 梨形的
sinuses湾, 穴, 窦, 窦房结, 窦道, 鼻窦, 瘘, 瘘管
piriform aperture梨状孔
piriform area[医]梨状区
piriform areas[医]梨状区\n(piriform area 的复数)
piriform cortex梨状皮质
piriform fossae[医] 梨状隐窝
piriform lobe[医]梨状叶
piriform lobes梨状叶


1. When the controls perceived odors, the bilateral amygdala, piriform, and anterior insular and cingulate cortices were activated. (翻译:当对照组受到气味刺激时,双侧的杏仁核、梨状叶、前岛叶和扣带回皮质激活。)

2. They noted that the actual function of sinuses is still the subject of debate, and this theory may help clarify their purpose. (翻译:他们注意到,鼻窦的真实作用还尚有争议,因此这项理论可能能够帮助揭示鼻窦的作用。)

3. No signs of nodular goiter or connection with piriform sinus were found. (翻译:没有迹象表明结节性甲状腺肿或与梨状窝被发现。)

4. And this bone is peppered, as you can see, with the light shining through the skull with cavities, the sinuses, which warm and moisten the air we breathe. (翻译:这块骨头 布满了 正如你看到的 穿透过头盖骨的光线 还有空腔, 鼻窦, 使我们吸入的空气变的温暖和湿润。)

5. Transverse sinus flow gaps were observed in 34% of the cases occurring all in the nondominant transverse sinus. No flow gaps occurred in the dominant transverse sinuses. (翻译:横窦血流间隙显示率约为34%,均出现在非优势侧横窦,优势侧横窦没有出现流动间隙。)

6. Analysis of Removal of Pituitary Gland Tumours of 21 Cases through Oronasal Sphenoidal sinuses under Microscopes (翻译:21例垂体腺瘤经口鼻蝶窦入路显微镜下切除疗效分析)

7. Become aware of the breath moving through the nostrils and the sinuses, behind the eyes and upper jaw. (翻译:开始去意识在眼睛和上颚后通过鼻孔和鼻窦的呼吸运动。)

8. A intense persecutor has proved to be executed with sinuses of flutes: and refute of a mute. (翻译:一个为害极大的毒害者在笛子的致敬和一个全哑之人的批驳声中被处决了。)

9. Specifically, they looked to see if humming led to greater levels of exhaled nitric oxide, a gas produced in the sinuses. (翻译:他们特别观察,哼绵羊音是否会从鼻窦中拍出的更多一氧化氮。)

10. If it affects the paranasal sinuses, it most commonly involves the ethmoidal and maxillary sinuses. (翻译:如果累及副鼻窦,最常见的是累及筛窦及上颌窦。)

11. The pituitary's located between the cavernous sinuses, basically right between the eyes. (翻译:垂体在洞穴状静脉窦那 基本上是在眼睛之间)

12. Sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma is an uncommon aggressive malignancy of the nasal cavity and the paranasal sinuses . (翻译:鼻腔鼻窦未分化细胞癌是一种罕见且侵犯性很高的鼻腔及鼻窦恶性肿瘤。)

13. Subdural hematomas are a result of tearing of the bridging veins which are located between the cortical veins and the dural sinuses. (翻译:硬膜下血肿是由于皮层静脉和硬膜窦之间的桥静脉的撕裂所致。)

14. Rhinosinusitis is a common inflammatory bacterial infection of the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity. (翻译:鼻窦炎是一种常见的炎症和鼻腔鼻窦细菌感染。)

15. Objective To evaluate ct features and diagnostic value of fungus infection of paranasal sinuses. (翻译:目的探讨真菌性鼻窦炎的CT特征性表现及诊断价值。)

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