plagiator是什么意思 plagiator的中文翻译、读音、例句

plagiator是什么意思 plagiator的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:It has a guiding effect on searching for high effective wells in the furture and it also pla. . . (对油田进一步寻找高效井将会有一定的指导意义,对确保大庆油田稳产有重要作用。)


例句:Look around. Is the man behind you a GI or a Chinese? (看看周围吧 你身后的人是美国兵还是中国兵?)


1. Keep 'em nice, Ga-Ga-Ga with Gi-Gi-Gi! (翻译:♪ 牙齿嘎嘎嘎 咬牙吱吱吱 大家一起来刷牙吧)

2. Pla reveals that she used to be a waitress at Tom Yum Goong Otob. (翻译:普拉透露,她曾是一名冬阴功 Otob 的服务员。)

3. There is no GI in the scene, so it is not the Vray Environment Skylight but the 3dsMax Environment Light. (翻译:有没有在现场肠胃,所以它不是Vray的环境天窗,但3dsMax中制作环境光。)

4. Between that and your GI Bill, you ought to be able to get it now. (翻译:Τ硂掸窥干禟 莱赣御眔癣)

5. Will you giνe something if I ask you? (翻译:要是我求你一点事,你会答应我吗 -什么都行)

6. PLA fiber is a new environmental protection fiber, which can be biodegraded. (翻译:玉米纤维是一种可完全生物降解的新型环保纤维。)

7. Gi-taek is the victim since everyone will just cover this up. (翻译:现在都成了基泽的错 不想把事情闹大,就草草了事)

8. The problem of ETA members in hiding, like Mr Pla, is trickier. (翻译:关于ETA成员藏匿的问题则更加棘手,比如普拉。)

9. It is the only seagoing minesweeper operated by the PLA Navy. (翻译:它是被PLA海军操作的唯一适于远航的扫雷舰。)

10. Obscure GI bleeding in the East or West: are capsule and double-balloon enteroscopy the best? (翻译:东方或西方的隐性消化道出血:胶囊内镜与双气囊内镜哪一个更好? )

11. The epithelial cells in my GI tract have been killed by the chemo. (翻译:我肠胃组织里的... 表皮细胞 也都被化学药物杀死了)

12. GI: The characters in Okami at this point seem to communicate using text mixed with kind of a Sims nonsense voice over top. (翻译:GI:在《大神》中与角色交流将用到文本与模拟嘈杂的音效相结合的方式。)

13. The PLA Second Artillery Corps has formed a cruise missile brigade based at Jianshui, Yunnan Province in southern China. (翻译:PLA第二炮兵已经在中国南部云南省建水组建巡航导弹部队。)

14. Five period also published and will be Tan Xilin Yang Zhicheng PLA will. (翻译:五期中还出过解放军上将杨至成和中将谭希林。)

15. Pla cental disorder was the main indication of emergency hysterectomy. (翻译:胎盘因素是产科急症子宫切除术的主要指征。)

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