plantar interosseous muscles是什么意思 plantar interosseous muscles的中

plantar interosseous muscles是什么意思 plantar interosseous muscles的中

plantar interosseous muscles通常被翻译为"骨间足底肌"的意思,还经常被翻译为骨间足底肌,读音为[plantarinterosseousmuscles],plantar interosseous muscles来源于英语,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到90个与plantar interosseous muscles相关的例句。

Plantar interosseous muscles的释义


例句:These muscles can be used to express emotions and all kinds of emotions, Guer called expressive muscles. (这些肌肉可以用来表达喜怒哀乐各种情感,故而又叫表情肌。)


plantar interosseous muscles一般作为名词使用,如在interosseous muscles(骨间肌)、plantar muscles(足底肌)、plantar interosseous muscle(骨间跖侧肌)等常见短语中出现较多。

interosseous muscles骨间肌
plantar muscles足底肌
plantar interosseous muscle骨间跖侧肌
dorsal interosseous muscles骨间背侧肌
volar interosseous muscles骨间掌侧肌
musclesn. 肌肉(muscle的复数)
muscles inna. 硬挤进;侵入;强夺\n[网络] 强行闯入


1. It requires 34 facial muscles and 112 postural muscles. (翻译:需要34块面部肌肉 和112块姿势控制肌)

2. So there's a strong connection between a limber Achilles and a healthy plantar fascia. (翻译:所以,富有弹性的跟腱和健康的足底筋膜之间存在着密切的联系。)

3. But what is the relevance of postural muscles to Taijiquan? (翻译:但是状态肌群又和太极拳有什么关系呢? )

4. This directly stretches the plantar fascia and the calf muscles. (翻译:这种方法可以有效的拉伸足跟筋膜和小腿排肠肌。)

5. Rehabilitation programs are discussed for ankle sprains, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, and turf toe. (翻译:康复程序讨论了脚踝扭伤,足底筋膜炎,跟腱炎,脚趾和草皮。)

6. Come on, thigh muscles, you can do this. (翻译:Come on, thigh muscles, you can do this!)

7. Disguises your face by turning the muscles into mush. (翻译:通过把肌肉变软 来伪装你的脸 Disguises your face by turning the muscles into mush.)

8. We talked for two minutes backstage, and she talked about plantar fasciitis. (翻译:我们在后台谈了两分钟,她谈了谈足底筋膜炎。)

9. They don't really have so many of the extensor muscles that are the weight-bearing muscles; instead, they rely on retractor muscles to pull themselves along. (翻译:它们并没有那么多的伸肌, 也就是负重肌; 取而代之的, 它们依靠牵缩肌来拉动自己。)

10. Or bigger muscles and all that. (翻译:Or bigger muscles and all that.)

11. Distribution of arteries on antero-radial part of forearm interosseous membrane and their relation to acupoints (翻译:前臂骨间膜前面桡侧的动脉分布及其与穴位的关系)

12. Relax your muscles and take deep breaths. (翻译:Relax your muscles and take deep breaths.)

13. The man has sinewy muscles. (翻译:那男子有着强壮有力的肌肉。)

14. To conserve blood that will be needed by muscles, skin vessels constrict while vessels of the muscles dilate. (翻译:为了保存肌肉所需要的血液,皮肤血管收缩,而肌肉血管舒张。)

15. Correlation occurred only between palmar digital formula and plantar digital formula. (翻译:仅有环食指长与足趾长间存在相关关系。)

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