plasmodium immaculatum是什么意思 plasmodium immaculatum的中文翻译、读音、例句

plasmodium immaculatum是什么意思 plasmodium immaculatum的中文翻译、读音、例句

plasmodium immaculatum的意思是"医、恶性疟原虫",其次还有"无斑疟原虫"的意思,发音是[plasmodiumimmaculatum],plasmodium immaculatum来源于英语,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到70个与plasmodium immaculatum相关的例句。

Plasmodium immaculatum的中文翻译


例句:Studies on Interaction of Different Splenocyte Components During Plasmodium yoelii Infection (脾细胞不同组分在鼠疟感染中相互作用的研究)


例句:The sporogony duration of Plasmodium vivax in An. sinensis were observed. (观察疟原虫的产孢期。)


例句:It involved 300 villagers in an area of Madagascar where both Ascaris and Plasmodium are prevalent. (这项研究使用了300名马达加斯加的村民。蛔虫和恶性疟原虫都在这一地区流行。)


例句:Cloning of the serine protease gene from Anopheles stephensi and its relationship with melanization of Plasmodium yoelii oocysts (翻译:斯氏按蚊丝氨酸蛋白酶基因克隆及其与约氏疟原虫卵囊黑化关系的研究)


plasmodium immaculatum一般作为名词使用,如在Plasmodium immaculatum([医] 无斑疟原虫(鸟类疟原虫), 镰状疟原虫, 恶性疟原虫)、plasmodium(疟原虫 )、exoerythrocytic plasmodium([医] 红细胞外型疟原虫)等常见短语中出现较多。

Plasmodium immaculatum[医] 无斑疟原虫(鸟类疟原虫), 镰状疟原虫, 恶性疟原虫
exoerythrocytic plasmodium[医] 红细胞外型疟原虫
fused plasmodium并合原质团,并合变形体
genus Plasmodium[网络] 疟原虫属
malaria plasmodiumxx日疟原虫
placental plasmodium[医] 胎盘合胞体
plasmodium berghei啮齿疟虫
Plasmodium bovis[医] 牛疟原虫
Plasmodium brasilianum[医] 巴西疟原虫


1. It involved 300 villagers in an area of Madagascar where both Ascaris and Plasmodium are prevalent. (翻译:这项研究使用了300名马达加斯加的村民。蛔虫和恶性疟原虫都在这一地区流行。)

2. Cloning of the serine protease gene from Anopheles stephensi and its relationship with melanization of Plasmodium yoelii oocysts (翻译:斯氏按蚊丝氨酸蛋白酶基因克隆及其与约氏疟原虫卵囊黑化关系的研究)

3. Objective observe the prevention function of asthma after BCG polyose nuclear acid reducing plasmodium vrvus infection. (翻译:目的观察卡介菌多糖核酸注射液以呼吸道台胞病毒感染后哮喘的预防作用。)

4. The variant form of DARC stops the growth of Plasmodium vivax, one of the four parasites that can cause malaria. (翻译:DARC的变异形式阻止了间日疟原虫的生长,这是四种引起疟疾的寄生虫的一种。)

5. This peripheral blood smear comes from a patient with malaria. This infection happens to be with Plasmodium vivax. (翻译:疟疾病人外周血涂片,此为间日疟原虫感染。)

6. It's effective, as evinced by the fact that many mosquitoes are able to fight off Plasmodium, the single-celled microbe that causes malaria. (翻译:这一招是有效的:事实表明,很多蚊子能够击退引起疟疾的单细胞微生物——疟原虫。)

7. The marrow of chronic exemple can find the zoogamy body of plasmodium sometimes in smear. (翻译:慢性病例的骨髓涂片中有时可找到疟原虫的有性生殖体。)

8. The aim is to investigate the effect of IL6 on the development of exoerythrocytic forms of Plasmodium yoelii. (翻译:目的是观察 IL-6 对大鼠体内约氏疟原虫红外期发育的影响。)

9. Scanning electron microscopic observations were made of the sporogonie stages of 9-14 day infections of Plasmodium cynomolgi in Anopheles stephensi. (翻译:本研究对实验感染食蟹猴疟原虫后9、10和14天的斯氏按蚊阳性蚊胃,进行扫描电镜观察。)

10. Plasmodium vivax, the world's most common malara parasite, now infects people previously considered to be resistant. (翻译:间日疟原虫,世界上最常见的疟疾寄生虫,现在传染到了以前被认为拥有抵抗力的人们身上。)

11. Determination of sporozoite of Plasmodium yoelii intracellular free calcium with laser confocal scanning microscopy (翻译:约氏疟原虫子孢子胞内游离钙的检测方法研究)

12. One of these the plasmodium causes malaria. other protozoa cause sleeping sickness and amebic dysentery. (翻译:虐原虫就是其中的一种,引起虐疾。别的原虫引起嗜睡症和阿米巴痢疾。)

13. Effects of hemocytes of Anopheles stephensi on the melanization of oocysts of Plasmodium yoelii (翻译:斯氏按蚊血细胞对约氏疟原虫卵囊黑化的影响)

14. Duffy-negative Africans have been considered to be resistant to Plasmodium vivax. (翻译:杜菲阴性的非洲人一直被认为对间日疟原虫拥有抵抗力。)

15. Tertian malaria was diagnosed by peripheral blood smear and elevated antibody titer against Plasmodium vivax. (翻译:间日疟诊断外周血涂片和抗体滴度升高对疟原虫。)

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