platelet adhesion通常被翻译为"血小板粘附"的意思,在英美地区还有"血小板粘附"的意思,单词读音音标为[plateletadhesion],platelet adhesion是一个英语名词,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到97个与platelet adhesion相关的例句。
Platelet adhesion的词典翻译
例句:TERAOKA's Packing Tapes exhibit highly effective adhesion. (TERAOKA包装用胶带具有高度有效的粘着力。)
platelet adhesion一般作为名词使用,如在platelet adhesion reaction(血小板黏附[反应])、platelet adhesion test(血小板粘附试验)、platelet(血小板 )等常见短语中出现较多。
platelet adhesion reaction | 血小板黏附[反应] |
platelet adhesion test | 血小板粘附试验 |
platelet | 血小板 |
adhesion | 粘合 |
dorsal platelet | 小背片 |
hexagonal platelet | 六方形片晶 |
marginal platelet | 缘小板 |
osmiophilic platelet | 好锇性小体 |
oxide platelet | 片状氧化物 |
1. Chemical Synthesis and Esterification of a Precursor Dipeptide of RGD as a Site for Cell Adhesion (翻译:细胞粘附位点RGD前体二肽的化学合成与酯化)
2. When sterile oviduct adhesion blocking may send sterile. (翻译:不孕输卵管粘连阻塞时可致不孕。)
3. One of the important factors which affects the adhesion between plastics and its coating adhesion would be the chemical coarsing. (翻译:化学粗化是影响塑料与镀层结合力最重要的因素之一。)
4. A is antibacterial, insecticidal, and inhibitable to platelet-activating factor. (翻译:A 具有抗菌,杀虫作用,并且对血小板活化因子具有抑制作用。)
5. Better driving equipment will improve track adhesion in slippery conditions. (翻译:更好的驱动装置能在湿滑的条件下提高轨道的附着力。)
6. Platelet-type 12-LOX is predominantly expressed in platelet, microsome and cytoplasm of human skin epithelial cell. (翻译:血小板型12-LOX在正常组织中主要分布在血小板、人皮肤表皮细胞细胞质和微粒体中。)
7. The addition cure LSR with good adhesion with metal was prepared by adding adhesion promoters. (翻译:通过添加增粘剂,制得与金属基材具有较好粘接性的加成型液体硅橡胶。)
8. Direct proof of the mechanis. of adhesion is. quite elusive. (翻译:直接证明粘结的机理是十分困难的。)
9. Conclusion The parameter of platelet are important consult of judgment malady, injury of heart, liver nephridium and platelet count was correlation. (翻译:结论血小板参数是判断疾病的重要参考指标,肝、肾、心脏器损伤程度与血小板计数具有相关性。)
10. Purification of a small peptide to inhibit platelet aggregation from Agkistrodon acutus venom (翻译:尖吻蝮蛇毒小分子多肽的分离及抗血小板聚集作用)
11. Conclusion: Longstand possesses the effects of endotheliocyte protection and platelet function improvement. (翻译:结论:龙寿丹具有保护血管内皮细胞和改善血小板功能的作用。)
12. Study On the Adhesive of Nylon Based Balt Ends and the Technology of adhesion. (翻译:尼龙片基型传动带接头用胶粘剂及粘接方法的研究。)
13. Effects of Lacidipine on Blood Viscosity and Platelet Aggregation in Patients with Essential Hypertension (翻译:拉西地平对原发性高血压患者血粘度和血小板聚集的影响)
14. As peripheral blood emerged large volume platelet, but still have resided platelet, the change of PDW keep coincidence with MPV; (翻译:由于外周血中出现大体积血小板,而仍有残存的血小板,因此PDW的变化与MPV始终保持一致;)
15. Isolation and Purification of an Inhibitor on Platelet Aggregation from Ixodes sinensis (翻译:中华硬蜱血小板集聚抑制剂的分离纯化与活性研究)