platinax是什么意思 platinax的中文翻译、读音、例句

platinax是什么意思 platinax的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Release a sticky adhesive that deals X% weapon damage and entangles up to X enemies, slowing their movement speed by X% for X seconds. (释放出一种黏性物质,能够造成X%的武器伤害并且缠绕住X敌人,减慢它们的移动速度达X%,持续X秒。)


例句:Most of all, you can turn your database into standard 2x5, 2x10 or 3x10 mailing labels in just a few clicks. (最重要的是,可以将您的数据库为标准2x5,2x10或者3x10邮寄标签只要按几下滑鼠。)


1. Design of a Precise Test Revolusion Plat. (翻译:某精密测试转台的设计。)

2. Let’s keep our 1x4 while breaking the 3x4 into a 3x3 and a 3x1. (翻译:让我们留下1x4的长方形, 并且把3x4的分成3x3的和3x1。)

3. And in the other case, the sperm is carrying an X chromosome, meeting the X chromosome of the egg. (翻译:另一个是 携带着X染色体的精子 遇到携带着X染色体的卵子 )

4. And then at the top, we have 30, which is a product of three prime numbers -- two times three times five. (翻译:最顶层的30, 是三个质数的乘积, 2 x 3 x 5。)

5. It uses X-rays, X-ray beams, that are rotating very fast around the human body. (翻译:它使用X射线,X光束, 从四面对人体进行快速扫射。)

6. Dividing that 5x8 into a 5x5 and a 5x3 leaves us with a score of 10. (翻译:把5x8的再分成5x5和5x3, 我们就能得到10分。)

7. The objective function is named z and equals 3x1 + 2x2. Note that (翻译:目标函数称为 z,它等于 3x1 + 2x2。)

8. Water Spray cooling of the high temperature plat plate was presented by using Finite Element Coupling numerical simulation. (翻译:利用有限元耦合场数值模拟计算方法进行了高温平板纯水喷雾冷却的模拟。)

9. We were trying to merge Tai Chi with... x4, x16 or x32? (翻译:我们刚刚还在试把太极融和到... 四倍,十六倍,还是三十二倍呢?)

10. Well, you look at x-rays in your back room and I will do Reiki. (翻译:你看x射线,还好。嗯,你看在你的X -射线 回到房间,我会尽灵气。)

11. When you're solving for x, you can begin with an x, that is itself already some other image. (翻译:当你在解出x时, 你可以从一个本身已经是 别的图像的x开始。)

12. In order to ensure the combat readiness state of a missile launching plat, health evaluation and fault prognostics are needed. (翻译:为了保证某型导弹发射台的战备完好性,需要对其进行故障预测和健康评估。)

13. So, the number you're trying to figure out is the X, so what is X here? (翻译:好 首先我们设要求的数为X 这里X指的是什么)

14. Cap: All right, dry martini, Noilly Plat. Just a moment, please. (翻译:好的,辛辣马丁尼,诺利布拉特,请稍等一会儿。)

15. We use belt or cogwheel to regulate speed for the main shaft , ball lead screw and stepping motor for operating plat form . (翻译:主轴采用皮带或齿轮变速,工作台采用滚珠丝杆,步进电机;)

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