pleadery是什么意思 pleadery的中文翻译、读音、例句

pleadery是什么意思 pleadery的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Let y have the value 33. (假设y的值为33。)

例句:-Jerry! (- J e r r y


1. Y'all get in that barn and y'all hide. (翻译:现在到 农场和隐藏。- 我引开他们,而个。)

2. - You must put a stop to this. (翻译:Knightley ? Y你应该让她歇一歇了.)

3. Y-You were just gonna drive away? (翻译:你... 你就打算这么开走嘛? Y...)

4. And become children In soul and mind (翻译:{Y: 我}而且成为儿童 {Y: 我的灵魂和精神})

5. But what's even more amazing is that if you look at the Y-chromosome side, the male side of the story, the Y-chromosome Adam only lived around 60,000 years ago. (翻译:更令人惊奇的是, 如果你看 Y 染色体, 男性这边, Y 染色体亚当, 存在于六万年前。)

7. I mean, you know... maybe I don't wanna know, you know? (翻译:I mean, y - -you know...)

8. We have used Y-specific cosmid clones in a random fingerprinting approach to build contigs on the human Y chromosome. (翻译:我们使用Y染色体特异性粘粒克隆随机指纹的做法,建立重叠的人类Y染色体。)

9. - Have you invited Claude's orchestra? (翻译:- Je me rassure. - Y a pas assez?)

10. Enable OProfile in the profiling menu and set CONFIG_PROFILING=y and CONFIG_OPROFILE=y in the . config file. (翻译:在评测菜单中启用Oprofile,在.config文件中设置CONFIG_PROFILING=y和CONFIG_OPROFILE=y。)

11. # Lo mexicano y columbiano # (翻译:# Lo mexicano y columbiano #)

12. ♪ You to know from the start ♪ (翻译:y ou to know from the start)

13. That woman is 62, that wrap is a shawl that L is a Y, and there's a reason they call them Y's. (翻译:那个女人是62 那围巾是个披肩... ...那个L是一个Y 大家叫她们Y是有道理的)

14. But, you know, once you look at the facts... (翻译:once y -you look at the facts...)

15. said it was coming from the N.Y.U. Psych department. (翻译:D. said it was coming from the N. Y.)

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