plectranthias helenae是什么意思 plectranthias helenae的中文翻译、读音、例句

plectranthias helenae是什么意思 plectranthias helenae的中文翻译、读音、例句

plectranthias helenae的中文解释是"海氏棘花鮨、花鲈",在日常中也代表"海伦氏棘花鲈"的意思,在线发音:[plectranthiashelenae],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到45个与plectranthias helenae相关的例句。

Plectranthias helenae的释义


例句:It runs through a populated area from East Helena to Lake Helena. (它穿过一个人类聚集区域, 从东赫勒拿到赫勒拿湖。)


例句:Well, Helena's young too, I mean, she's not old. (Helena也很年轻啊 我的意思是 Helena也不老)


例句:Sigrid puts Helena's desires into words. (Sigrid和Helena表达他们的想法)


plectranthias helenae一般作为名词使用,如在Paphiopedilum helenae(海伦兜兰)、scottocalanus helenae(海佗暗哲水蚤)、Sorbus helenae(n. 钝齿花楸)等常见短语中出现较多。

Paphiopedilum helenae海伦兜兰
scottocalanus helenae海佗暗哲水蚤
Sorbus helenaen. 钝齿花楸
plectranthias elongatus长身棘花鲈;花鲈
plectranthias japonicus日本棘花鲈;日本棘花鮨;花鲈, 日本棘花鲈
plectranthias jothyi焦氏棘花鲈;焦氏棘花鮨;花鲈
plectranthias kamii黄吻棘花鲈;黄吻棘花鮨;花鲈
plectranthias kelloggi凯氏棘花鲈;凯氏棘花鮨;花鲈
plectranthias longimanus长臂棘花鲈;银点棘花鮨;花鲈


1. Sigrid puts Helena's desires into words. (翻译:Sigrid和Helena表达他们的想法)

2. You're a risk-taker to the nth degree. (翻译:你是个十足的冒险者。)

3. Yes, but, Helena, a woman is happy here. (翻译:是的 但是 Helena 女人在这里都快乐)

4. Well yes, ice is a big part of it. (翻译:没错, I、C、E是其中重要的一部分, )

5. But, what is it that attracts Helena to Sigrid, if they are so different? (翻译:但是 如果她们是如此的不同 那Sigrid是怎么吸引Helena的)

6. And because you were Sigrid, only you can be Helena now. (翻译:正是因为你曾经演过Sigrid 现在只有你才能演Helena)

7. I will crack the encryption On the e-mail sent to ella. (翻译:我来破解发给埃利亚邮件的密码 I will crack the encryption on the e)

8. It is the essence of 'cool', but taken to the nth degree, and with a dirty word thrown in. (翻译:是把“酷”的精髓提升n个等级,用脏字儿表达出来。)

9. Here, the columns represent functions in Clojure's standard collection API: conj, nth, empty, and count. (翻译:在这里,列表示Clojure的标准集合API中的函数:conj、nth、empty和count。)

10. Keyboard; strings are plucked by plectra mounted on pivots. (翻译:有键盘;用安在枢轴上的琴拨弹奏琴弦。)

11. Pete, why does Briggs have all of this info on Helena? (翻译:Pete 为什么Briggs 会有Helena的所有资料?)

12. And for you Helena embodies the opposite? (翻译:对你来说 Helena展现出的完全是相反的吗)

13. - I got a staff e-mail from you. (翻译:- I got a staff e -mail from you.)

14. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K. (翻译:A,B,C,D,E,F,G H,I,J,K )

15. Well, if you're telling me that I'm Helena's age now, yeah, you're right, it's true. (翻译:如果你想说我是那个上了年纪的Helena 这的确没错)

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