pleokaryocyte是什么意思 pleokaryocyte的中文翻译、读音、例句

pleokaryocyte是什么意思 pleokaryocyte的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:But with my 10-ryo note ruined by saving you... (不过 刚才救你的时候 十两的银票 就这么没了)


例句:Tapetum (pl. tapeta) A food-rich layer surrounding the spore mother cells in the anthers of vascular plants. (绒毡层:维管植物花粉囊内包围孢子母细胞的富含营养物质的一层结构。)


1. This import_attr. pl script will read in the file and create the Cleartool commands as long as it is tab delimited. (翻译:import_attr.pl脚本在标签界定的条件下可以读文件,创建Cleartool命令集。)

2. As soon as I have Baer/Grant's PL report in hand, I will call you. (翻译:一拿到贝尔葛兰特公司的损益报告表 我马上给你回电)

3. The second part is the logging stored procedures that are used from within the body of SQL-PL or any other external stored procedures. (翻译:第二个部分是日志存储过程,可以在SQL-PL或任何其他外部存储过程中使用。)

4. Forked from the now-discontinued SLS project, Slackware 1.0 came on 24 floppy disks and was built on top of Linux kernel version 0.99pl11-alpha. (翻译:从现在已经停止SLS计划项目,Slackware 1.0起始使用了24张软盘,并在Linux内核版本0.99pl11 -α之上。)

5. Ryo admits he is happy to bide his time for a first-team opportunity while he adjusts to a "totally different level" . (翻译:宫市亮表示当他调整到一个“截然不同”的水准时,他会乐意去等待自己进入一线队的机会。)

6. The difference between PL spectra of TMEP solution and PL spectra of TMEP solid film confirmed the formation of excimer. (翻译:激基缔合物的形成从TMEP在薄膜状态下与溶液状态下的荧光光谱的比较中得到证实。)

7. Abruzzi. I need you to hire me at Pl. (翻译:阿布鲁奇 我想让你雇我去监狱工厂 {\3cH202020}Abruzzi.)

8. With your years of experience as a Pl, would you call that a reliable lead? (翻译:你当了这么多年私家侦探 觉得自己刚才说的能算是可靠的线索吗)

9. Ryo does not rest his discipline even after the world was rid of the Orochi presence. (翻译:在良的字典里没有休息,即使是在世界摆脱大蛇控制以后。)

10. With a set of repeatable timings and a mouse signature in place, the demoLogin. pl program can be modified to support signature comparisons. (翻译:在一组重复计时和鼠标签名就绪后,可以将demoLogin.pl程序修改为支持签名比较。)

11. He goes, "Ryo's like the Yellow Pages, use'em and lose'em'? (翻译:他说啊 亮就像黄页一样 能用就用用完就扔)

12. Well, for a man of your skill... what would you say to 30 ryo? (翻译:也对 老师这样的剑法应该不止这些 那我就来个爽快的 三十两怎么样?)

13. These results provide the scientific basis for the development and application of Flos Pueraria omeiensis and PL decoction. (翻译:为野葛花及其与枸骨叶组成的复方的开发和应用提供了理论依据。)

14. They've given us the two carts pl us four more. (翻译:两车粮食还咱们! 四车是奖励的! 一共六车粮食)

15. Invisible unemployment exists in both the outdated pl anning economy and the process of the marketing economy establishment. (翻译:隐性失业在原有的计划经济体制下和建立市场经济体制过程中,都大量存在。)

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