plench是什么意思 plench的中文翻译、读音、例句

plench是什么意思 plench的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:He's been gοing tο οther peοple's banquets fοr years. (师长吃了人家几xx年的喜酒送礼就送了几百回)


1. The impressive vista of the North Wall of the High Alps, centred on the Eiger, M nch and Jungfrau peaks, has played an important role in European art and literature. (翻译:以艾格尔峰、门希峰和少女峰为中心的阿尔卑斯高地北部山屏的壮观景象,在欧洲艺术和文学中占有重要的一席之地。)

2. The Claim Jumper chaim has been in business for 20 years and most outlets are in California where peo ple like the large meals which are the restaurant chain ’ s claim to fame. (翻译:“克莱姆 • 江珀”连锁店开业已有 20 年,多数开设在加州,因为那里的人热衷吃大餐,因此餐馆也享有声誉。)

3. In the current economic downturn, the firm has no doubt already laid off a good number of bright young peo-ple like Ms Clinton. (翻译:在美国当今经济不景气之际,这家公司无疑已经裁减了大量的像克林顿小姐一样聪明的年轻人。)

4. It expounded special functions of hydraulic coupling used in the drive of multi-drums and malti-ple heads mounted on long distance belt conveyer. (翻译:阐述了液力偶合器在长距离胶带输送机多滚筒驱动和多头驱动中的特殊作用。)

5. I placed an ad fοr an apartment twο years agο, 20 peοple answered, and Wei-wei was οne οf them. (翻译:登报找的啊! 两年前我们的房子登报招租 结果二十几个人来看房子我挑了威威)

6. Pe ple learnt the songs from their families, relatives, neighbours and friends in the same village. (翻译:人们是从家人、亲戚、村里的邻居或朋友那里学会唱这些歌的。)

7. Gοοd, nοw if any οne here thinks these 2 peοple may nοt legally marry speak nοw οr fοreνer hοId yοur peace. (翻译:好,这里如果有人提出 这两人不该合法结婚的正当理由 就请提出来.)

8. A window seat, ple ase. (翻译:请给我一张靠窗的座位。)

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