pluries writ是什么意思 pluries writ的中文翻译、读音、例句

pluries writ是什么意思 pluries writ的中文翻译、读音、例句

pluries writ在英语中代表"第三次执行令"的意思,作为名词时有"法"的意思,单词读音音标为[plurieswrit],pluries writ来源于英语,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到85个与pluries writ相关的句子。

Pluries writ的翻译


例句:It's a sort of Ann Landers' column writ large. (就如Anne Landers说的那样显而易见 )


例句:The seven remaining poppy-growing provinces are all in the Pashto-speaking south, where the Taliban's writ runs. (仍在种植罂粟的7个省份,都位于讲普什图语的南部地区,那里也是塔利班的势力范围。)


pluries writ一般作为名词使用,如在pluries([网络] 烦恼)、writ(书面命令 )、pluries capias([网络] 种族资本)等常见短语中出现较多。

pluries[网络] 烦恼
pluries capias[网络] 种族资本
pluries summons[法] 第三次传票
endorse writ[法] 背书令
executed writ[法] 已实施的令状
hand of writ手迹,笔迹;书法
holy writn. 圣经
interlocutory writ[法] 中间命令


1. This is a writ from the US District Court for the release of all persons held in the stadium. (翻译:这是美国地区法庭颁布的手令 下令释放体育馆内所有人)

2. If you have writ your annals true, 'tis there that, like an eagle in a dovecote, (翻译:要是你们的历史上记载的是实事 那儿会有我曾经怎样像一头鸽棚里的鹰)

3. It's a sort of Ann Landers' column writ large. (翻译:就如Anne Landers说的那样显而易见)

4. I am a Queen's Counsel of the Royal Courts of Justice, and this is a writ of new proceedings for libel. (翻译:我是英国皇家高等法院的王室法律顾问 这是一份法院令状 要求进行新的诽谤罪诉讼)

5. A writ may be obtained from the Central Office in London or from one of the local offices called district registries. (翻译:传票可以向伦敦的最高法院中央办公室以及任何一个被称为地区登记处的当地办公室申请获得。)

6. and secondly, has agreed to a writ of certiorari, will hear the case on monday... (翻译:第二: 我们已经同意递交文件 会在星期一举行听证会...)

7. The court will not issue a writ of certiorari unless at least four of the nine justices approve of it. (翻译:除非是九位大法官中的至少四位同一,否则一般不会发布调案复审令。)

8. Writ of garnishment - an order of the court whereby property, money, or credits in the possession of another person may be seized and applied to pay a debtor's debt. (翻译:扣押债权通知:由法院做出的,查封另一方当事人持有的财产,金钱或者银行帐户并且用于支付债务人债务的令。)

9. Perhaps the murderer used it to kill Ian as a... as a kinymd bolic revenge for signing the writ. (翻译:也许凶手用这骨头杀Ian是... 是对于签那个协议的 某种象征性的报复)

10. Now, this man is wanted on charges in Nebraska, expedited by federal writ, under Common State Law Enforcement Act. (翻译:现在,这名男子被通缉在内布拉斯加州的收费, 由联邦令状加快, 根据共同国家执法行动。)

11. Or does it suggest that the judiciary is politicised, ready to violate the presumption of innocence and tear up the writ of habeas corpus? (翻译:又或者此事表明司法部门已被政治化,准备违背无罪推定的原则,撕毁人身权利文书吗?)

12. I'm excited when I glimpse that kind of thinking writ large. (翻译:每当我看见那种想法显现,我都无比欣喜。)

13. 'Writ' is the stem of the forms 'writes', 'writing' and 'written'. (翻译:writ是writes、writing和written三个词的词干。)

14. Could you bring your pa this letter I writ about my insolvency proceeding? (翻译:能帮我把这封信带给令尊大人吗 关于破产诉讼的)

15. Jared Briscoe's defense has already filed a writ of habeas corpus. (翻译:Jared Briscoe的律师已经申请了 对他的人身保护令)

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