plurilateral trade agreement的意思是"多方贸易协议",其中文解释还有"多方贸易协议"的意思,单词读音音标为[plurilateraltradeagreement],plurilateral trade agreement在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到56个与plurilateral trade agreement相关的例句。
Plurilateral trade agreement的中文翻译
例句:You are in fact in agreement. (If I may interject? You are in fact in agreement.)
plurilateral trade agreement一般作为名词使用,如在plurilateral agreement(诸边协议)、plurilateral([网络] 复边;诸边;为复边贸易协定)、trade agreement(贸易协定, 劳资协议\n[经] 贸易协议, 行业性劳资协议)等常见短语中出现较多。
plurilateral agreement | 诸边协议 |
plurilateral | [网络] 复边;诸边;为复边贸易协定 |
trade agreement | 贸易协定, 劳资协议\n[经] 贸易协议, 行业性劳资协议 |
trade by agreement | 定贸易 |
executive trade agreement | [网络] 贸易行政协定 |
fair trade agreement | un. 互惠贸易协议\n[网络] 公平贸易协议 |
free trade agreement | 由贸易协定 |
international trade agreement | [法]国际贸易协定 |
multilateral trade agreement | [经] 多边贸易协定 |
1. We can come to some sort of agreement. (翻译:我们可以好好商量 We can come to some sort of agreement.)
2. Both countries entered into a trade agreement in 1984 which granted them the status of Most Favoured Nation (MFN). (翻译:两国都于xx年加入了给予其最惠国地位的贸易协定。)
3. When you have a win-win situation like trade, both sides can benefit from a trade agreement, then this is something you can work out. (翻译:当有像交易一样的双赢局面, 两方都能从贸易协定中获益, 这才是我们能够解决的事情。)
4. We worked together on a trade agreement in Beijing about a year ago, but the point is, her father is on the politburo. (翻译:xx年前在北京忙贸易协议时共事过 重点是 她父亲是中央政治局的)
5. In addition, why you want to trade places with them. (翻译:And why you want to trade places with them.)
6. As a part of service trade, educational services are subjected to the General Agreement on Trade in Service (GATS). (翻译:教育服务作为服务贸易的一部分,受到GATS有关条款的约束。)
7. No one needs to trade clothing! (翻译:No one needs to trade clothing!)
8. Backers of the new trade agreement retort that the CBI depends on the whim of the American government and can be rescinded at any time. (翻译:新贸易协定的支持者们则反驳说,CBI只是美国政府一时冲动的产物,任何时候都有可能被废除。)
9. The dispute is souring the air as Australia embarks ontalks with Japan about a free-trade agreement. (翻译:争执使气氛显得越来越不愉快,此时澳洲正着手与日本关于自由贸易协定的谈判。)
10. Lock up your daughters or Sheldon might lecture them about the North American Free Trade Agreement. (翻译:Lock up your daughters 不然Sheldon就会给她们讲 or Sheldon might lecture them 北美各国互通农产品免税的法案, 旨在促进农业经济发展)
11. She says it is important because the agreement, or ECFA as it called, seeks to gradually transition Taiwan and China into a free trade zone. (翻译:她说,这是重要的,因为该协议,或ECFA,因为它呼吁,旨在逐步过渡到台湾与中国的自由贸易区。)
12. Are we cheating on the agreement? (翻译:我们有没有违反协定 Are we cheating on the agreement?)
13. Japan, South Korea and China are exploring a trilateral trade agreement, and India and China are looking at a deal of their own. (翻译:日本、韩国和中国正在探索一个三边自由贸易协定,印度和中国也期望达成双边自贸协定。)
14. Trade is vicious and selfish. (翻译:做生意的人狠毒而自私 Trade is vicious and selfish.)
15. With the details of your agreement with the fbi-- (翻译:with the details of your agreement with the FBI...)