pneumatic brake brake的意思是"气压煞车",在英美地区还有"气压煞车"的意思,发音是[pneumaticbrakebrake],pneumatic brake brake常被用作名词,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到46个与pneumatic brake brake相关的例句。
Pneumatic brake brake的释义
例句:Application of Two Fibered Nonmetal Minerals in Automotive Brake Friction Lining (两种纤维状非金属矿物在汽车制动摩擦片中的应用)
pneumatic brake brake一般作为名词使用,如在pneumatic brake(风闸,气压制动器)、brake(制动器)、to brake(制动,刹车)等常见短语中出现较多。
pneumatic brake | 风闸,气压制动器 |
brake | 制动器 |
to brake | 制动,刹车 |
hydraulic brake brake | 液压煞车,液压轫 |
parking brake brake | 停机煞车 |
pneumatic clutch brake | 气动离合式刹车 |
pneumatic tube brake | 气胎制动器 |
differential brake | 差动制动器 |
drum brake | 鼓式制动器, 鼓形闸 |
1. As you max the dial, you'll have more brake at middle, but brake at high speed is still on the line of magnet profile, not exponential. (翻译:当你把报盘调到最大,在中速时的制动会更大,但是刹车在高速时仍然按照线性的刹车参数,不是指数参数。)
2. High interest rates are a brake on the economy. (翻译:高利率阻碍了经济发展。)
3. Place the brake release in position and theard the brake core by pulling the brake release handle down to release the brae. (翻译:将抱闸扳手放在抱闸磁心上,同时拉下扳手手柄使抱闸开放。)
4. Behind the wheels are the new perforated brake discs with silver brake calipers and marked by Mercedes-Benz lettering. (翻译:后面的车轮是新的穿孔制动盘银制动卡钳和标志奔驰刻字。)
5. Referring to the Sachs VT5000 brake backplate. (翻译:谈到萨克斯vt5000刹车背板。)
6. A peptide release is also part of the "ileal brake" mechanism. (翻译:肽的释放也是“回肠制动”机制的一部分。)
7. The Analysis and Improvement on Hydraulic Brake System of Sweden ASEA Mine Hoister (翻译:瑞典ASEA提升机制动液压站系统原理分析及改进)
8. Only that would brake the power of the international bankers over our economy. (翻译:只有那样我们才能打破国际银行家对我们经济的控制)
9. The front brake is not sharp and this rim is scratched. (翻译:我这个车子油门有问题 前轮刹车也不好 这车圈刮花了要换掉)
10. The driver had ample time to brake or swerve and avoid the woman. (翻译:该司机有足够的时间刹车或急转来避让那女子。)
11. How does the brake act on the paraglider airfoil? (翻译:刹车是如何作用于滑翔伞的机翼的? )
12. # Would brake my heart in two (翻译:∮ Would break my heart in two)
13. Disc brake, as the name suggests, the shape is like a disc and its main parts include brake disc, wheel cylinder, brake caliper and vitta etc. (翻译:盘式制动器又称为碟式制动器,顾名思义是取其形状而得名:它的主要零部件有制动盘、分泵、制动钳、油管等。)
14. Question is, deputy: Any brake marks in front of that turtle? (翻译:我的问题是 副警长 这只鳄龟前面有没有任何刹车痕迹?)
15. Brake, brake, brake. -Welcome to Playland. Parking is $5. (翻译:停车 停车 停车 欢迎来到游乐园 请付停车费五元)