pneumatic pressure cylinder的意思是"气压缸",还有气压缸的意思,发音是[pneumaticpressurecylinder],pneumatic pressure cylinder是一个英语名词,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到20个与pneumatic pressure cylinder相关的例句。
Pneumatic pressure cylinder的翻译
例句:The bailer is a 5-ft cylinder that is lowered into the well under atmospheric pressure. (捞砂筒为一个5英尺圆筒,它在大气压力下被下入井内。)
pneumatic pressure cylinder一般作为名词使用,如在pneumatic cylinder(气压缸)、pressure cylinder(压力缸,增压缸)、pneumatic pressure(气压)等常见短语中出现较多。
pneumatic cylinder | 气压缸 |
pressure cylinder | 压力缸,增压缸 |
pneumatic pressure | 气压 |
door pneumatic cylinder | 车厢门气压缸 |
pneumatic cylinder cock | 气筒旋塞 |
external pressure cylinder | 外压圆筒 |
high pressure cylinder | [化] 高压缸 |
intermediate pressure cylinder | 中压缸;中压汽缸 |
internal pressure cylinder | [化] 内压圆筒 |
1. Your Dad's under a lot of pressure. (翻译:你爸爸压力很大 Your Dad is under a lot of pressure.)
2. Now, BMW has made a three-cylinder hybrid. (翻译:最近,宝马出了一款三缸混动车 Now, BMW has made a three -cylinder hybrid.)
3. Pressure readouts are normal. (翻译:压力指数正常 Pressure readouts are normal.)
4. The Model MPL-70 includes a Model 70B Pneumatic Subminiature Regulator and a mini-strip gage to set and read pressure at the panel. (翻译:示范Mpl膜内-70包括一个微型型号70B条气动调节器和一个小型带应变设置和读取面板的压力。)
5. But the pressure of modern commerce... (翻译:但是来自现代商业的压力 but the pressure of modern commerce...)
6. Get the oxygen cylinder now! (翻译:还不快点拿氧气筒来 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Get the oxygen cylinder now!)
7. Pneumatic: Our pneumatic grippers are fast-acting and inexpensive. (翻译:我们的气动压板机是操作快速、经济实惠。)
8. The Ecoserial device is a digital economiser with differential pressure gauge able to pilot until 204 valves by connecting itself to a pneumatic driving module RPB with only two threads. (翻译:节能控制仪是一数码并内置有压差器的脉冲阀控制仪,最多能控制到204个脉冲阀,而这也只要用两根管子与RPB先导阀盒组串连起来就可以达到。)
9. Tapping into the pneumatic tubes from a separate location. (翻译:从一个独立的地方 Tapping into the pneumatic tubes)
10. Typical parts made by this process are pipes, boilers, pressure vessels, flywheels, cylinder liners and other parts that are axis-symmetric. (翻译:采用这种工艺制造的典型零件有:管子、锅炉、压力容器、飞轮、汽缸衬垫和其它轴对称零件。)
11. That sounds like a lot of pressure. (翻译:That sounds like a lot of pressure.)
12. Cylinder compression pressure is an important parameter for measuring the hermetical state of an engine. (翻译:发动机汽缸压缩压力是检测发动机机密封性的重要参数。)
13. Okay, just apply some pressure. (翻译:放松,只是适当加压 Okay, just apply some pressure.)
14. Pneumatic motor is a kernel part of the roof bolter. (翻译:锚杆钻机气动马达是该设备的核心部件。)
15. And there was no obivious distinctiveness with pressure lose for the cylinder reactor and the hexagonal reactor. (翻译:同等管径下圆筒形和正六边形管压力损失差别不大。)