pneumotometer是什么意思 pneumotometer的中文翻译、读音、例句

pneumotometer是什么意思 pneumotometer的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Moto is dead. This is the era of Apple. (摩托罗拉已经死了,这是苹果的时代。)


例句:We can trace the i.P. Path the hack followed, (P. 地址追踪到其他的黑客 we can trace the I. P.)


例句:Peptide Mapping Analysis of Recombinant Human Neu Epitope Peptide 12 by Pepsin Digestion (重组人纽表位肽12的胃蛋白酶切肽图分析方法的研究)


1. Peptide Mapping Analysis of Recombinant Human Neu Epitope Peptide 12 by Pepsin Digestion (翻译:重组人纽表位肽12的胃蛋白酶切肽图分析方法的研究)

2. It's Poppy's favorite, it's P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P- (翻译:这是我最喜欢的水果, 水果丕丕... ...)

3. Okay, we need to move left about a meter. (翻译:好 现在我们得向左靠一米 Okay, we need to move left about a meter.)

4. What happens when you feed a 1080p signal to 720p TV? (翻译:当你将1080p电视信号转换为720p会发生什么? )

5. Thus, the NEU-induced primary chromosome breakage may not be repaired by the ligase. (翻译:由NEU所诱发的染色体初级断裂不能为连接酶所修复。)

6. Is the meter of this piece duple or triple? (翻译:这个乐曲片断中的节拍是二重的还是三重的?)

7. When can a P-2 or P-3... challenge for a spot on the field? (翻译:什么时候一个P -2级或P -3级的...)

8. It follows that the so-called Palean baskets were not unique to Palea. (翻译:这表明这种所谓的P篮子不是P村的人所独有的。)

9. What happened, meter maid? (翻译:What happened, meter maid?)

10. The rise of the neu-dualism also has an important reference to the development of Marxist consciousness theory. (翻译:这种新二元论的崛起对于发展马克思主义意识论也有着重要的借鉴意义。)

11. Because it can get to be a very expensive habit... and as you said, I can't afford it. (翻译:为什么可以打开\一个非常昂贵的习惯, 正如你所说,\ NEU不起。)

12. Imagine a two meter by two meter area full of coffins, jewelry and incredible statuary. (翻译:想象一个两米乘两米的区域, 塞满了棺木,首饰 和惊人的雕像, )

13. p provides the PID. (翻译:p 提供 PID。)

14. His lawyer, Bas Martens, also described him as being a meter wide and a meter deep. (翻译:他的律师,巴斯马登斯形容他的肩宽是一米长,身前到身后也是一米长。)

15. Check that high and low side valves, if provided on meter manifold and equalizing valve on meter manifold are open. (翻译:检查仪表集管上是否提供有高、低端阀,以及仪表集管上的平衡阀是否打开。)

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