points of sail是什么意思 points of sail的中文翻译、读音、例句

points of sail是什么意思 points of sail的中文翻译、读音、例句

points of sail在英语中代表"网络"的意思,作为名词时有"航海点"的意思,发音音标为[pointsofsail],points of sail是一个英语名词,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到10个与points of sail相关的例句。

Points of sail的翻译


例句:I want to take you to that tower in Velaciela. (带泽渡去那座塔,让vale sail飞起来)


例句:There are millions of data points there. (这里面有数百万的数据点呢 There are millions of data points there.)


points of sail一般作为名词使用,如在in sail(张着帆)、sail for(驶向…)、sail on([网络] 航行;继续航行;起帆)等常见短语中出现较多。

in sail张着帆
sail for驶向…
sail on[网络] 航行;继续航行;起帆
to sail扬帆航行
on points适用\n合时宜\n合适
pointsn. 转轨器, 道岔\n[计] 磅
points tov. 指向;针对;指向;针对\n[网络] 指向分析
double sail双帆
drag sailna. 拖锚\n[网络] 浮锚;发音播放


1. It will be our turn to sail past there (翻译:就可以轮到我们坐船在那儿经过 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}It will be our turn to sail past there)

2. Points of entry, corridors, rooms, cover. (翻译:入口 走廊 房间 掩护物 Points of entry, corridors, rooms, cover.)

3. We do use focal points sometimes to... (翻译:我们常用焦点... We do use focal points sometimes to...)

4. I think of you every time I close my eyes You're like an alluring slogan which won't leave In a world of deceit and betrayal (翻译:{\cHFFFFFF}Risa Miriam 000 points)

5. Serve switches every five points. (翻译:每五分 换发球权 Serve switches every five points.)

6. Just a couple of odd points. (翻译:都是些小问题 小问题 Just a couple of odd points.)

7. I ran back to the wheel to keep her into the wind, while Keefer tied in the last few points and started to raise sail again. (翻译:我向机轮跑去操作来使船顺着风,而基弗结紧了最后几个结点开始再次把帆升起来。)

8. Flat bottom craft like this will sail along smartly and we've been getting some 12 knot winds. (翻译:平底船像这样的会随风而动。Flat bottom craft like this will sail)

9. Look, the tail points to 12. (翻译:尾巴指向十二点方向 Look, the tail points to 1 2.)

10. Salient points, precisely. (翻译:重点 没错 Salient points, precisely.)

11. We could learn to sail, buy a boat, sail around the world. (翻译:我们可以学会开船 买一艘船 环球航行 We could learn to sail, buy a boat, sail around the world.)

12. Grey Worm and the Unsullied will sail for the Rock and take it. (翻译:灰虫子和无垢者 Grey Worm and the Unsullied 将乘船攻下凯岩城 will sail for the Rock and take it.)

13. # Set a sail, catch a breeze # (翻译:# Set a sail, catch a breeze #)

14. But in 2003, Thrun revived SAIL and - in at least some ways - the McCarthy spirit. (翻译:但在xx年,让姆重振了SAIL,至少在某些方面- - -如麦卡锡精神。)

15. You sail now for Jerusalem, as your father wished. (翻译:照令尊遗愿驾帆前往耶路撒冷吧 You sail now for Jerusalem, as your father wished.)

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