polar reciprocal是什么意思 polar reciprocal的中文翻译、读音、例句

polar reciprocal是什么意思 polar reciprocal的中文翻译、读音、例句

polar reciprocal在中文中有"配极反演"的意思,其次还有"配极反演"的意思,在线读音是[polarreciprocal],polar reciprocal在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到78个与polar reciprocal相关的句子。

Polar reciprocal的释义


例句:The polar orbital satellite multitrack mosaic imagery is an important part in the operational application of polar orbital satellite. (极轨卫星多轨拼图是极轨卫星业务应用的一项重要内容。)


polar reciprocal一般作为名词使用,如在polar reciprocal body([数] 配极体)、polar reciprocal curve([数] 配极曲线)、polar reciprocal curves(配极反演曲线)等常见短语中出现较多。

polar reciprocal body[数] 配极体
polar reciprocal curve[数] 配极曲线
polar reciprocal curves配极反演曲线
polar reciprocal figures配极反演图形
polar reciprocal line[数] 配极(直)线
polar reciprocal lines配极反演[直]线
reciprocal polar curve[数] 共轭极曲线
reciprocal polar figure反极图


1. The disappearance of polar cap will greatly affect polar bears and other halobios . (翻译:冰帽的融化会给北极熊等海洋生物造成严峻后果。)

2. The abnormal is concerned in trisomy, monosomy, Robertsonian translocation, reciprocal translocation and rearrange. (翻译:异常核型涉及到三体型、单体型、罗伯逊易位、相互易位、不平衡重排等。)

3. But Mirabelle, now feeling the warmth of her first reciprocal love.. (翻译:但是蜜拉贝儿,现在感受到 她头个对等的爱里头的温暖... ...来自于他)

4. So, the Arctic has polar bears but no penguins, and the Antarctic has penguins but no polar bears. (翻译:所以北极有北极熊而没有企鹅 南极有企鹅但是没有北极熊 )

5. Polar bears live in the Arctic. (翻译:北极熊生活在北极。)

6. Flower, reciprocal, clouds scud across, is one year. (翻译:花开花谢,此消彼长,云卷云舒,又是xx年。)

7. But, of course, the natural world, polar bears. (翻译:但是当然,大自然的一些动物,比如说北极熊又有新的问题: )

8. We believe there's some water in the polar caps, there are polar caps of North Pole and South Pole. (翻译:我们认为在极冠下存在一些水。这是北极和南极极冠。)

9. Brown Polar Bear -- Summons and dismisses a rideable Brown Polar Bear. This is a very fast mount. (翻译:棕色北极熊--召唤和解散一头可以骑乘的棕色北极熊,这是一种非常快的坐骑。)

10. A half-second from now the polar ice caps are restored to the way they were in the 19th century and the forecast is mild and pleasant for the next cosmic minute and a half 40,000 years. (翻译:半秒过后 A half -second from now, 极地的冰帽开始 the polar ice caps are restored)

11. The old arrangement might not have been particularly ethical, but it was reciprocal. (翻译:曾经的观念也许 不太符合伦理道德,但它是互惠的。)

12. Which makes him the polar opposite of me. (翻译:跟我相比 简直就是两个极端 Which makes him the polar opposite of me.)

13. Software Description: About Polar Bear Family, This theme has a wintery scene with a family of snuggly polar bears. (翻译:这个主题跟一个家庭一起有一个寒冷的场景中的北极熊。)

14. But, of course, the natural world, polar bears. (翻译:但是当然,大自然的一些动物,比如说北极熊又有新的问题:)

15. Polar Star to New Zealand, Flight 101, in regional express 454? (翻译:极地之星呼叫处于454特殊区的新西兰101 Polar Star to New Zealand, Flight 101, in regional express 454? 是否收到? Do you read me?)

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