metastoma是什么意思 metastoma的中文翻译、读音、例句

metastoma是什么意思 metastoma的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:There was heterogeneity in seed time in the euphratica meta-population. (胡杨集合种群在种子时间上存在异质性。)


例句:Now I finally discovered why they blessed me with a lifetime stoma. (现在我终于明白 Now I finally discovered why they blessed me 他们为啥给我安一个人造肛门了,哈哈哈 with a lifetime stoma.)


metastoma一般作为名词使用,如在metastoma dodecandum lour(锦地罗)等常见短语中出现较多。

metastoma dodecandum lour锦地罗


1. The meta-narrative is established on an triplex paradox (narrative, emotion and philosophy). (翻译:元叙事建立在叙事、情感、哲学三重悖论的基础上。)

2. Guard cell A specialized kidney-shaped epidermal cell, located to the side of a STOMA. (翻译:是植物中一种特化的肾形表皮细胞,位于气孔两侧。)

3. It is incorrect that only stoma density and stomatic chamber size are used as xerophilous indexes. (翻译:单纯地把气孔密度、气室大小作为抗旱指标是不正确的。)

4. Phil Wainewright has a pretty good take on Gartner's list, distilling it down to three meta-trends. (翻译:菲尔wainewright有不错的名单,接受Gartner蒸馏到三meta - trends。)

5. It's not been easy, but so far I seem to have benefited from meta-meta learning. (翻译:这过程不轻松,但是现在看来,我已经从元学习中受益了。)

6. This is the sing-song, the meta-language that we use in order to impart meaning. (翻译:那是唱歌,是元语言, 我们用来传送意味。)

7. The Relationship between the Stoma Density of Eggplant Leaves and Their Resistance to Polyphagotarsonemus latus (翻译:茄子叶片气孔密度与侧多食跗线螨发生数量的关系)

8. Message payload and message meta data. (翻译:消息有效载荷与消息元数据。)

9. Is there a meta noindex tag in the HTML "head" section? (翻译:在“head”区域中是否有“noindex”的元标记?)

10. The observation of ultrasonic calcaneum bone density in meta-late phase pregnancy (翻译:妊娠中晚期跟骨骨密度的超声测定与钙剂补充)

11. Once approved, BDPM would provide a meta-model for business process modeling. (翻译:一旦它被认可,BPDM将能够为业务过程建模提供元模型。)

12. Skin care to prevent excoriation around the stoma consists of keeping the skin clean and dry. (翻译:皮肤护理对要预防造口周围擦伤,要经常保持皮肤的清洁及干燥。)

13. Estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs) is a new meta-heuristic algorithm. (翻译:提出了一种基于混合因子分析的分布估计算法。)

14. After the SILS port was removed, the right ureter and the small intestine for the stoma were pulled out of the peritoneal cavity. (翻译:取出SILS单孔多通道平台,一并将右侧输尿管及拟行造口的小肠输出袢带出。)

15. Postoperative stoma was at the sternal level and did not compress the great vessels. (翻译:术后气管造口造于胸骨柄的水平,要注意是否压迫到大血管循环。)

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