polycyesis是什么意思 polycyesis的中文翻译、读音、例句

polycyesis是什么意思 polycyesis的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:All-poly is probably worse than cotton-poly blends. (全聚材料比棉混纺聚要糟糕的多。)


例句:Are they all different species? (Are they all different species? Yes. Yes, they are.)


1. Yes, yes, to bring him here. (翻译:-To bring Rudolf here? -Yes, yes, to bring him here.)

2. Yes, Mika's a C.A... cabin attendant. (翻译:对,美香是CA,Cabin Assistant)

3. - Yes, the Ileenium System. (翻译:- Yes, the Ileenium System.)

4. - Yes, yes, at the moment, but you mustn't cling to the illusion of health, sweetie. (翻译:- Yes, yes, at the moment, - 她很稳定。- 是的,这会而已。)

5. Yes, yes, I love you too, Irving. (翻译:是的,是的,我也爱你,欧文。Yes, yes, I love you too, Irving.)

6. Yes, there is a... absolutely. (翻译:有 很明显 Yes, there is a)

7. What are you betting'? What'd you hear from Hope? (翻译:[Michael] Yes, Margaret?)

8. Yes, yes, exactly, of course. (翻译:是 当然 当然 Yes, yes, exactly, of course.)

9. C: Yes, two Pepsis, please.Just a moment. (翻译:是的,要两杯百事可乐。等一下。)

10. Synthesis and Biological Activity of a Series of Poly-substituted Purines (翻译:一类新型多取代嘌呤类化合物的合成及生物活性)

11. Yes, well, yes, of course you are. (翻译:是的 你当然害怕 我们也害怕 Yes, well, yes, of course you are.)

12. Yes, yes, we'll get in a mess. (翻译:此处原文为: Yes,yes,条子噎死。)

13. Yes, yes, a drug overdose! (翻译:是是 药物中毒! Yes, yes, a drug overdose!)

14. Yes, come in, Mrs Whitmore. (翻译:好的 请进 惠特莫夫人 谢谢 Yes? Yes, come in, Mrs Whitmore.)

15. They poly YOU, kill your pet with some insane dmg, poly you again when you come back, drink and eat. (翻译:他们把你变羊,用高伤害杀掉宠物,当你恢复后再变回去,然后吃喝。)

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