polygonal annular foundation通常被翻译为"多边环基础"的意思,其次还有"多边环基础"的意思,发音是[polygonalannularfoundation],polygonal annular foundation常被用作名词,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到19个与polygonal annular foundation相关的例句。
Polygonal annular foundation的释义
例句:Such events, which only blot out the middle of the Sun, are known as annular eclipses. (像这样,太阳中部被遮盖的天象,就叫做日环食。)
polygonal annular foundation一般作为名词使用,如在annular(环的 )、polygonal(多边形的 )、foundation(①基础②基金会 )等常见短语中出现较多。
annular | 环的 |
polygonal | 多边形的 |
foundation | ①基础②基金会 |
on the foundation | 由基金会提供资金,领取基金会提供的奖学金 |
the foundation | 《基地》三部曲 |
polygonal approximation | 折线逼近 |
polygonal arch | 多边形拱;多角拱 |
polygonal area | 龟裂区域 |
polygonal bog | 多边形沼泽 |
1. We have these maquettes scanned into the computer at very high resolution -- enormous polygonal count. (翻译:我们这些maquettes扫描进电脑 在非常高的分辨率。巨大的多边形数。)
2. I made them polygonal, out of straight line segments, chamfered brackets. (翻译:我把它们用直线段制成多角形的 斜切的过渡。)
3. We have these maquettes scanned into the computer at very high resolution -- enormous polygonal count. (翻译:我们这些maquettes扫描进电脑 在非常高的分辨率。巨大的多边形数。)
4. We could build a social movement demanding change, which is what the Sortition Foundation is doing in the UK. (翻译:我们可以发起一个 要求改变的社会运动。就像 “ Sortition Foundation” 在英国做的那样。)
5. We measure complexity and fidelity of data in terms of polygonal count. (翻译:但是,我们可以对比多边形定点个数做个比较。在多边形数计算。)
6. That in fact the rhetoric and the tactics used by Richard Stallman and the- (翻译:事实上Richard Stallman和 Free Software Foundation)
7. The bodies he buried that day laid the foundation of what we are now. (翻译:他那天所埋下的尸体 The bodies he buried that day 成就了我们的今天 laid the foundation of what we are now.)
8. After a foundation trench is excavated, a ship is located by riprapping to form the foundation bed, and the foundation bed is leveled by a platform type foundation bed riprapping leveling ship. (翻译:基槽开挖后,船舶定位抛石成基床,用平台式基床抛石整平船将基床整平。)
9. Applying Multiple Foundation Pouring pile to Emergency Sustenance of Deeper oozy Foundation Slope (翻译:联合基础灌注桩在深软地基边坡应急支护中的应用)
10. In the third, the obstruction was due to duodenal stenosis, and there was an incomplete annular pancreas. (翻译:第三个病例,梗阻由于十二指肠狭窄,是个部分环状胰腺。)
11. A foundation or representative office of an overseas foundation is an obligator of information disclosure. (翻译:基金会、境外基金会代表机构是信息公布义务人。)
12. The only thing that denotes the elevator to be a Schindler is the characteristic annular ceiling ventilation fan grille design. (翻译:唯一得以标明电梯是一部迅达的就是那个属于特征的环形吸顶式抽气风扇格栅设计。)
13. A mix of regularly gridded polygonal fields and circular centre-pivot fields mark the human land use of the region. (翻译:整齐的网格状多边形地块和圆形中枢轴地块标示出了这一地区的土地利用情况。)
14. and four clapboards are respectively arranged at the two ends of the annular groove and divide the annular groove into four regions. (翻译:四个隔板分别设在环形凹槽的两端并将环形凹槽分成四个区域。)
15. the owen grace muscular dystrophy foundation. hit the mission statement. (翻译:欧文·格雷斯肌肉萎缩症基金会 The Owen Grace muscular dystrophy foundation.)