port tambang通常被翻译为"菲、坦邦港"的意思,在日常中也代表"地名"的意思,发音音标为[porttambang],port tambang是一个英语名词,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到31个与port tambang相关的例句。
Port Tambang的中文翻译
例句:The address and port to which these original SYNs are sent is determined through port prediction. (地址和端口指向那些最初的SYN包发向的通过端口预指定的地方。)
例句:The Port of Rotterdam, located at the entrance to sea of the Rhine and the Maas River, is the world's largest port. (位于莱茵河与马斯河出海口的鹿特丹港是世界第一大港。)
例句:The next port is in Greece. (下一个港口是希腊。{\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}The next port is in Greece.)
port tambang一般作为名词使用,如在Port Tambang([地名] 坦邦港 ( 菲 ))、port to port(码头到码头)、port(①港口②左舷 )等常见短语中出现较多。
Port Tambang | [地名] 坦邦港 ( 菲 ) |
port to port | 码头到码头 |
port | ①港口②左舷 |
in port | 在港内 |
the port | 口岸 |
to port | 向左舷 |
Port Said | 塞得港(埃及) |
Port Swettenham | 巴生港(马来西亚) |
Port Vila | 维拉港(瓦努阿图) |
direct port | [经] 直达港 |
1. The next port is in Greece. (翻译:下一个港口是希腊。{\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}The next port is in Greece.)
2. So get off at the next port... (翻译:得在下一个港口下船... {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}So get off at the next port...)
3. And after graduating to larger vessels, they too began to migrate from port to port. (翻译:晋升到大型船只后, 猫也开始移居到不同港口。)
4. Doctor Clark stat! Doctor Port stat! Doctor Shire stat! (翻译:Clark医生,Port医生,Shire医生,请马上过来)
5. Port, Starboard, get up the mizzen and raise the royal. (翻译:起航 转右舷 升后桅帆 升顶桅帆 Port, Starboard, get up the mizzen and raise the royal.)
6. AK: In Port Elizabeth, the village outside Port Elizabeth in South Africa. (翻译:艾德里安 科勒:在伊丽莎白港,港外的小村庄里 )
7. 10880, Malibu Port, 90265. (翻译:马里布港10880号 邮编90265 10880, Malibu Port, 90265.)
8. The grate at the sally port. (翻译:他确实有 {\3cH202020}He did. 上次他走过的那条壁炉路线 {\3cH202020}The grate at the sally port.)
9. Largest in the world's first port of Shanghai Yangshan Port, Shanghai will also work with the city-port linkage. (翻译:世界上规模最大的第一个港口的上海洋山港,上海还将与市港联动。)
10. They reached port at last. (翻译:他们终于抵达港口。)
11. Ah yes, I forgot your sense of words and their effects. (翻译:是的 你懂得词的含义和意义 Oui, tu as le sens des mots et de leur portée.)
12. Cafe tables are situated outside on the front terrace, overlooking the Vieux Port harbour. (翻译:咖啡桌在前面的户外阳台上,可以俯瞰Vieux Port港口。)
13. Hands through the food port. (翻译:Hands through the food port.)
14. the problem of the Port of Santos, the problem of the Sao Sebastiao Port. (翻译:-dozen matters; 桑托斯港的问题,圣塞巴斯蒂安港的问题 the problem of the Port of Santos, the problem of the Sao Sebastiao Port.)
15. - Well, I was about to say like an old port. (翻译:Well, I was about to say like an old port.)