postirradiated lesion的中文解释是"晚发放射损害",在日常中也代表"晚发放射损害"的意思,单词读音音标为[postirradiatedlesion],postirradiated lesion是一个英语名词,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到74个与postirradiated lesion相关的句子。
Postirradiated lesion的释义
例句:Report of 40 Cases of Cunnus Intraepithelial Non - tumor - like Lesion Treated by Microwave (微波治疗外阴上皮内非瘤样病变40例临床报道)
postirradiated lesion一般作为名词使用,如在postirradiated([网络] 后照射)、lesion(损伤 )、diffuse lesion([医] 弥漫性损害)等常见短语中出现较多。
postirradiated | [网络] 后照射 |
lesion | 损伤 |
diffuse lesion | [医] 弥漫性损害 |
direct lesion | 直接伤 |
ectopic lesion | 异位损害 |
discharging lesion | [医] 猝放性损害 |
disseminated lesion | [医] 播散性损害 |
electrical lesion | [医] 电损害, 电伤 |
electrolytic lesion | 电解损伤 |
1. Results. The multifidus cross-sectional area was reduced at L4 ipsilateral to disc lesion but at L4-L6 after nerve lesion. (翻译:结果:神经损伤后L4–L6椎间盘损伤的同侧多裂肌的横断面积减少。)
2. Cortical tubers were detected in 10 cases, the patterns of cortical tubers were gyral core lesion and H-shaped lesion on MRI. (翻译:皮层或皮层下结节10例,表现为脑回核心样病灶和H型病灶。)
3. That's why, if there's a lesion of the spinal cord, this has dramatic effects. (翻译:这就是为什么一旦脊髓受损 将会导致严重的后果 )
4. Diagnostic value of dynamic contrast enhanced CT for musculoskeletal tumor and phymatoid lesion (翻译:CT动态增强扫描对肌骨肿瘤与瘤样病变诊断价值的研究)
5. MRI of the brain confirmed the presence of a lesion of the right precentral gyrus. (翻译:颅内磁共振造影确认大脑的中央前回有病兆的存在。)
6. Clinical study on corneal endothelial cell lesion during bimanual cold phacoemulsification (翻译:双手冷超声乳化术对角膜内皮细胞损伤的临床研究)
7. Conclusion NTS is involved in the process of electroacupuncture against stress gastric mucosal lesion. (翻译:结论孤束核参与了电针足三里穴抗大鼠应激性胃黏膜损伤作用过程。)
8. As is implied by the name the most characteristic lesion is hypoplasia of the nasal turbinates. (翻译:顾名思义,最特征的病变是鼻甲发育不全。)
9. Open lesion occur in early stage and are called spina bifida aperta or myelomeningocele. (翻译:开放性脊柱裂发生在胚胎发育的早期,又叫脊髓 脊膜膨出。)
10. long nasopharyngeal nasopharynx behind the nasal cavity, the position of concealment, the lesion was found. (翻译:鼻咽癌长在鼻腔后方的鼻咽部,其位置隐蔽,病变不易被发现。)
11. Papular lesion, one centimeter, on top of a long, thin scab. (翻译:像丘疹, 1厘米长, 在一条又长又细的疤上)
12. The effect of nucleus amygdalae lesion on behavior and dopamine content in cortex of frontal lobe in rats (翻译:杏仁核毁损对甲基苯丙胺大鼠刻板行为和额叶皮质多巴胺的影响)
13. It... it's an impairment in face perception... caused by a lesion on the temporal lobe. (翻译:它的减值 面对知觉... 引起的病变 颞叶。)
14. Let me summarize: The rat received a paralyzing lesion of the spinal cord. (翻译:让我小结一下之前的内容 一个老鼠的脊髓被切断了 )
15. Effect of Bilateral Entorhinal Cortex Lesion on Stress Response to Immobilization Stress in Rats (翻译:损毁大鼠双侧内嗅皮质对束缚应激反应的影响)