postjacent是什么意思 postjacent的中文翻译、读音、例句

postjacent是什么意思 postjacent的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:In fact, after all of your shenanigans... it's gonna be hard for me to ever go to The Hitching Post again. (其实,在你那些骗剧之后... 我觉得再去The Hitching Post都困难。)


例句:Come on, J.B. Come on, good boy. (来吧 J. B. 来吧 好孩子 Come on, J.)


1. Subtitles by J Ronch Ringwalt (翻译:时间轴: J Ronch Ringwalt 翻译帮助: J Ronch Ringwalt)

2. And when Douglas Post arrived, the stage was set. (翻译:Douglas Post这一来 两人就能开演好戏了)

3. Gloria hugged Douglas Post at the funeral. (翻译:Gloria在葬礼的时候拥抱了Doulas Post)

4. The crew was expecting O.J. on the 18th. (翻译:船员在等O·J十八号过去 The crew was expecting O. J.)

5. - I, Francis J. Underwood... (翻译:- 我 Francis J. Underwood)

6. Even inside the post office van, (翻译:就连邮局的车上 even inside the post office van,)

7. Anyone with bolt cutters could have-- (翻译:它被留在了海边 锁在角柱上 It was left on shore. It was chained to a post.)

8. In a post titled "Makers of Tylenol, I'm Disappointed in You" on a blog, Ms. Lam wrote about the huge recall of J.& J. infants' and children's medicines. (翻译:去年春天,林女士在博客中写过一篇题为“泰诺制造商,我对你感到失望”的文章,说的就是强生公司大量召回婴幼儿药品的事情。)

9. ♪ Bright red van going straight to your post code (翻译:# Bright red van going straight to your post code)

10. The Post-Fumigation Party. (翻译:消毒后派对 The Post -Fumigation Party.)

11. Never seen you turn down 20-cent wings. (翻译:从没见你拒绝过去吃鸡翅的邀约 Never seen you turn down 20 -cent wings.)

12. A five-cent story, a ten-cent budget and a two-cent leading man and we put it over. (翻译:五分钱的故事,十分钱的预算 和一位领二分钱的男主角)

13. Just... you-you don't want your kids to grow up with-with no parents. (翻译:过来 O·J 求求你 Come on, o. J. , please.)

14. You let me run into lamp post? (翻译:You let me run into lamp post?)

15. Incorporated by J.D. Percy as a trading post in 1870. (翻译:D. Percy创立 xx年时是一个贸易站点)

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