postpartum thrombus在中文中有"产后血栓"的意思,作为名词时有"医"的意思,在线发音:[postpartumthrombus],postpartum thrombus是一个英语名词,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到86个与postpartum thrombus相关的句子。
Postpartum thrombus的词典翻译
例句:Postpartum thyroiditis is one of the most common endocrine disorders, impacting 4% of Italian women. (产后甲状腺炎是最常见的内分泌疾病之一,在意大利妇女中发病率为4%。)
例句:Effects of early weaning on postpartum anestrus of cow (犊牛早期断奶对母牛产后乏情的影响与机理研究)
postpartum thrombus一般作为名词使用,如在postpartum(产后的 )、eclampsia postpartum([医] 产后子痫)、dolores postpartum([医] 产后阵痛)等常见短语中出现较多。
postpartum | 产后的 |
eclampsia postpartum | [医] 产后子痫 |
dolores postpartum | [医] 产后阵痛 |
postpartum alopecia | 产后秃发 |
postpartum amenorrhea | [医] 产后经闭 |
postpartum breeding | 产后配种 |
postpartum convulsion | 产后痉 |
postpartum depression | [网络] 产后忧郁症;产后抑郁症;产后沮丧 |
postpartum dysphonia | 产后喑 |
1. Women with postpartum depression love their children but may be convinced that they are not able to be good mothers. (翻译:得产后抑郁症的母亲是很爱自己的孩子的,但是我们也同时可以确信他们并不自信能成为一个很好的母亲。)
2. D. Postpartum course. Hypertension due to preeclampsia resolves postpartum, often within a few days, but sometimes taking a few weeks. (翻译:产后经过。先兆子痫引起的高血压通常在产后几天好转,但有时也要几周。)
3. Puerpera; Postpartum depression; Related factors Analysis; Nursing. (翻译:产妇;产后抑郁症;因素分析;护理措施。)
4. Sometimes the blood inside antrum antrum is caky and form thrombus, thrombus but stone of vein of calcic melt into. (翻译:有时窦腔内血液凝固而形成血栓,血栓可钙化为静脉石。)
5. However, they may sometimes enlarge significantly or link up to produce a large obstructive thrombus. (翻译:然而,有时它们会变得很大,或是互相连接产生有妨碍性的庞大血栓。)
6. Objective: To study the influence of Liuwei Dihuang Decoction against the thrombus. (翻译:目的研究六味地黄汤及其配伍对血栓形成的影响。)
7. The APTE model was established by injection of thrombus made in vitro through jugular vein. (翻译:经颈静脉加压注入体外血栓制成急性肺血栓栓塞模型。)
8. "Pregnancy and the postpartum period is a very vulnerable time for women, " said Meltzer-Brody. (翻译:Meltzer-Brody提出:孕期和产后是女人们最脆弱的时候。)
9. At high magnification, the dark red thrombus is apparent in the lumen of the coronary. The yellow tan plaques of atheroma narrow this coronary significantly, and the thrombus occludes it completely. (翻译:放大后可见冠状动脉管腔内的暗红色血栓较明显,粥瘤的黄褐色斑块使得冠状动脉明显狭窄,并且血栓完全阻塞了管腔。)
10. Objective: To discuss the incidence, provo cable factors and the prevention and cure of postpartum eclampsia. (翻译:目的分析产后子痫的发生率、诱发因素及防治方案。)
11. Clinical Study On Reduction of Postpartum Bleeding in The Risk Fac tors by Misoprostol (翻译:口服米索前列醇防治高危因素产后出血的临床观察)
12. abstract: Objective To observe the clinical effects of Huangqi Tongmai decoction on thrombus unenlightened vasculitis in lower limb. (翻译:目的观察黄芪通脉汤治疗血栓闭塞性脉管炎临床疗效。)
13. After my birth, Mom had severe postpartum depression. (翻译:我出生后,妈妈得了严重的产后抑郁症。)
14. Treatment of severe postpartum hemorrhage with cervical clamp clamping cervices: report of 15 cases (翻译:宫颈钳钳夹宫颈术治疗重度产后出血15例报告)
15. Nostoc soup can also be used postpartum women in cooking, as the blood use. (翻译:妇女产后也可用发菜煮汤做菜,作为补血之用。)