potabilizers是什么意思 potabilizers的中文翻译、读音、例句

potabilizers是什么意思 potabilizers的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:His mother's name also was Abi, the daughter of Zachariah. (他母亲名叫亚比,是撒迦利雅的女儿。)


例句:Courtney ruled with terror, but Liz ruled with kindness. (Courtney 非常可怕,但是Liz却和蔼)


1. to the tune of "Live and Let Die." (翻译:用Live and Let Die的调子 翻唱Chicken Pot Pie)

2. You went through security with pot? (翻译:You went through security with pot?)

3. Ladies and Gentlemen, fath ers and moth ers have different roles. (翻译:女士们,先生们,父亲和母亲有着不同的角色。)

4. Our wish , ERS people could go together with both domestic and overseas friends as the sun rises with broad heart. And bosom the world. (翻译:我们的愿望是:ERS人能与海内外朋友们一道,旭日东升,胸怀四海!)

5. Urn, well, Liz mentioned something temporary. (翻译:Liz mentioned something temporary.)

6. You know... if I saw Liz... drowning in the water-- (翻译:你知道... ... 如果我看到liz...)

7. Liz was struck on her left side (翻译:莉兹是从休斯顿街向西走的时候 Liz was struck on her left side)

8. I understand you have something about the Liz Purr murder. (翻译:起哦清楚你知道很多Liz Purr的凶杀经过)

9. Joe Montana won four Superbowls with the 49ers. (翻译:乔•蒙大拿那与49人队赢了四次超级杯。)

10. Haven't you told your cousin Abi, that we are going to Palestine? (翻译:你没有告诉你的侄子阿比 我们要去巴勒斯坦吗?)

11. Well me and Liz wanted it for today so... (翻译:涌出我和 Liz 想要它为今天如此。)

12. That is required by the ABI. (翻译:这是ABI所需要的。)

13. Liz laughed, stretching luxuriously. (翻译:莉兹一边大笑,一边心情舒畅地伸了个懒腰。)

14. The gloves are off, liz chamberlain. (翻译:摘下面具吧 莉兹·张伯伦 The gloves are off, Liz Chamberlain.)

15. Christ, Liz, this is the gun lobby. (翻译:this is the gun lobby.)

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