power surge是什么意思 power surge的中文翻译、读音、例句

power surge是什么意思 power surge的中文翻译、读音、例句

power surge通常被翻译为"电源冲击"的意思,在日常中也代表"计"的意思,单词读音音标为[powersurge],power surge在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到44个与power surge相关的例句。

Power surge的释义


例句:♪ Something in it had a power ♪ (# 力量蕴含其中 # # Something in it had a power #)


例句:She felt a sudden surge of anger. (她突然感觉怒火中烧。)


power surge一般作为名词使用,如在oscillatory power surge(率振荡)、surge(大浪)、surge to(喘振\n涌上\n车速高达)等常见短语中出现较多。

oscillatory power surge率振荡
surge to喘振\n涌上\n车速高达
to surge让缆滑熘{绞车空转};突然松脱;[锚泊船]俯仰起伏
engine surge发动机喘振
electric surge电涌浪,电涌
flare surge耀斑冲浪
flood surge洪水涌浪
flow surge流量涌增;气流汹涌


1. The power to amaze, the power to cure all ills, the power of God himself! (翻译:让人惊叹 治愈一切疾病的能力 The power to amaze, the power to cure all ills, 神的大能! the power of God himself!)

2. She felt a surge of love and desire for him. (翻译:她对他骤生爱意,欲火攻心。)

3. To become a leading power in the world, (翻译:世界的领先大国 to become a leading power in the world,)

4. The internal wiring emits a surge of electricity (翻译:内部电路会释放一束电流 The internal wiring emits a surge of electricity)

5. We must organize power for the people, power for the workers! (翻译:We must organize power for the people,power for the workers!)

6. What more of a miracle do you want? (翻译:How many teenagers have that power?)

7. ♪ and i'll feel the power ♪ (翻译:♪And I will feel the power♪)

8. The present, top-of-the-line POWER 780 can support up to 64 POWER7 cores, which maxes out at 640 partitions. (翻译:目前最高端的POWER 780可以支持最多64个POWER 7核,即支持最多640个分区。)

9. Griffon: Master! Please grant me one last surge of power. . . the power to finish him! Master. . . Mundus. . . (翻译:狮鹫:主人!请赐予我最后的力量……能够干掉他的力量!主人……穆图斯……)

10. The power behind the recent surge in Asia's economy may have developed from the tenets of one of that continent's earliest philosophers. (翻译:亚洲经济近来高涨的动力也许来源于那个古老大陆一个最早的哲学家的教义。)

11. I got the money and the power (翻译:I got the money and the power)

12. And what about the power cut? (翻译:断电部分呢 And what about the power cut?)

13. The bigger the target, the bigger the power surge. (翻译:目标越大 能量越凶残 The bigger the target, the bigger the power surge.)

14. The technical failure lies in ignoring the surge slot capacitor parallel connection with low value water cooling electric resistance, and induce abnormal power diffluence wasting. (翻译:技术上曾经的失误在于,因疏忽导致了不合理的振荡槽路电容等价并联低值冷却水路水电阻,形成异常功率分流附加损耗问题。)

15. and the Atlantic surge Pours in among the stormy Hebrides. (翻译:而大西洋的汹涌波涛,泻入了狂暴的赫布里底群岛。)

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