ppru是什么意思 ppru的中文翻译、读音、例句

ppru是什么意思 ppru的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:PP: I wouldnt have any idea. (皮特:我不会知道这个的。)


例句:You know, Sidney represents Ru Paul. (- [ 康斯坦丝 ] 你们在一块儿多长时间了? - Uh, xx年了.)


例句:PP1 has evolved effective catalytic machinery but lacks substrate specificity. (PP 1演变了有效的催化作用但缺乏底物特异性。)


1. PP1 has evolved effective catalytic machinery but lacks substrate specificity. (翻译:PP 1演变了有效的催化作用但缺乏底物特异性。)

2. That year, three mainland writers were here including Wang Anyi, Ru Zhijuan and Wu Zuguang (翻译:从大陆出来的三个作家都在这儿 包括王安忆、茹志鹃和吴祖光)

3. The influence of MFR of PP and mixing technology on the properties of the special material is discussed. (翻译:探讨了PP的MFR,以及挤出共混工艺对专用料性能的影响。)

4. But also, I worried that ii ru and that can kill us next week into a new cold war, and other things ... (翻译:但同样地, 我也担心我们下周被俄国人干掉 重新开始冷战, 以及诸如此类的事情...)

5. The effect of PP333 were explored by single factor design, colorimetry and Guaiacol process. (翻译:通过单因子实验、比色法和愈创木酚法探讨PP333对试管苗的影响。)

6. Please contact PP Brenda Lee, vice Chairlady of the PR Committee. (翻译:请联系公关委员会副主席 PP Brenda Lee。)

7. The new maximum pp size provides an architectural support for 256 petabyte disks. (翻译:新的最大PP大小提供了支持256 PB个磁盘的体系结构。)

8. Basically speaking, we need a bicomponent structure of the fabric: the core is PP "coated" with PE. (翻译:笼统的来讲,我们需要的面料是一个双组分的结构。核心是PP可PE包裹的。)

9. Lindberg. The Beginnings of Western Science, pp. 125-31. (翻译:林德博格,戴维。《西方科学的起源》,125-31页。)

10. The applied situation of the molecular weight regulators in the production of PP spunbonded is introduced. (翻译:介绍了聚丙烯纺粘法非织造布生产中分子量调解剂的应用情况。)

11. There was different effect of DPC and PP333 on cotton bollworm in different development phase. (翻译:在棉铃虫的不同发育阶段,缩节胺和多效唑对其的影响也有所不同。)

12. Low-end devices, such as MakerBot, RepRap, eMaker, PP3DP, and the new micro3D printer, are pushing the low end barrier from $650 to $1,800. (翻译:低端设备,比如MakerBot, RepRap, eMaker, PP3DP, 以及最新的 micro3D printer价格都只要$650到$1800。)

13. We suply services from design, printing, to finshed products production . (翻译:从PP图案设计,彩色印刷,产品成型,我司可一条龙为您服务。)

14. The significance of this project introduced by Qilu petroChemical Company for the developing of our PP industry is described. (翻译:阐述了齐鲁石化公司引进该技术对我国发展聚丙烯工业的意义。)

15. Back when I was in PP, there was still an art to finding people. (翻译:过去我当保镖那阵... 寻人还是一种艺术)



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