prating是什么意思 prating的中文翻译、读音、例句

prating是什么意思 prating的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:A bigoted woman prating of a devout woman is more venomous than the asp and the cobra. (虔诚婆子议论一个笃信宗教的妇人来比蛇口蝎尾还恶毒。)


例句:Thy prating drives me mad! (你的唠叨快把我逼疯了! )


例句:Indeed, this counsellor is now most still, most secret and most grave, that was in life a foolish, prating knave. (真是 这位大臣现在多安静啊 多谨慎 多庄重啊 可他生前是位愚蠢多嘴的小人)


例句:He is always prating about her wealthy relations, as if anybody cared. (翻译:他总是对别人炫耀她的阔亲戚,好像别人对此感兴趣似的。)


1. Indeed, this counsellor is now most still, most secret and most grave, that was in life a foolish, prating knave. (翻译:真是 这位大臣现在多安静啊 多谨慎 多庄重啊 可他生前是位愚蠢多嘴的小人)

2. He is always prating about her wealthy relations, as if anybody cared. (翻译:他总是对别人炫耀她的阔亲戚,好像别人对此感兴趣似的。)

3. The silly young man was prating about a subject of which he knew nothing. (翻译:那个傻里傻气的年轻人在胡扯他一无所知的问题。)

4. invest all my money in this business; it would mean prating all my eggs in one basket. (翻译:他不想把所有的钱都投入到这项事业中,那是孤注一掷的做法。)

5. The wise in heart will receive commandments: but a prating fool shall fall. (翻译:心中智慧的,必受命令。口里愚妄的,必致倾倒。)

6. Therefore, if I come, I will call to mind his deeds which he does, prating against us with malicious words. (翻译:所以我若去,必要提说他所行的事,就是他用恶言妄论我们。)

7. While Americans were prating of the "uni polar moment" , its economic foundations were crumbling away. (翻译:就在美国人喋喋不休地谈论“单极时刻”之时,其经济基础却在崩溃。)

8. Seventhly, do not allow a prating swallow to possess your eaves. (翻译:第七,不要让喋喋不休的燕子占据了你的屋檐。)

9. He that winked with the eye caused sorrow: but a prating fool shall fall. (翻译:以眼传神的,使人忧患。口里愚妄的,必致倾倒。)



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