1. 英语:Before dyeing my hair, I need to prebleach it first.
2. 西班牙语:Antes de teñirme el cabello, necesito hacer una predecoloración.
3. 法语:Avant de teindre mes cheveux, je dois les préblanchir.
4. 德语:Bevor ich meine Haare färbe, muss ich sie voraufhellen.
5. 意大利语:Prima di tingere i capelli, devo fare un pre-sbiancamento.
6. 葡萄牙语:Antes de tingir o cabelo, preciso fazer uma pré-descoloração.
7. 俄语:Перед тем, как я покрасю волосы, мне нужно их предварительно осветлить.
8. 韩语:머리를 염색하기 전에는 반드시 보송이를 먼저 해야 합니다.
9. 日语:髪を染める前に、必ずプレブリーチをする必要があります。
例句:Chlorine bleach whitens and disinfects 100% cotton. (氯漂白剂可以漂白和消毒100%的纯棉。)
1. The Cacher module ACTS as both a rendering engine for content preview and a pre-rendering engine creating cache files. (翻译:Cacher模块同时用作内容预览的显示引擎和pre - rendering引擎来创建缓存文件。)
2. You know Germans have an interesting pre-wedding custom-- (翻译:You know Germans have an interesting pre -wedding custom --)
3. And when you go to the pristine side, did this ever bleach? (翻译:让我们再看保持原始状态的一边 这里褪色过吗?)
4. Pre can draft on Viren and recharge for one last move. (翻译:Pre能够跟住Viren 然后在最后重回第一)
5. Clean and disinfect common areas at least twice a day using a stronger bleach solution 1 part bleach: 49 parts water. (翻译:每天用较浓的1:49稀释家用漂白水至少清洁和消毒两次。)
6. Pre, you see, was troubled by knowing a mediocre effort can win a race. (翻译:Pre麻烦在于.. ...不怎么努力却可赢得比赛)
7. There's even a new concept of time - "pre-pone", the opposite of postpone, meaning "to bring something forward". (翻译:就连表示时间都有新的概念——pre-pone,延期的反义词,意为“提前”。)
8. These products don't bleach the hair. (翻译:这些产品不会使头发脱色。)
9. Between me, Pre and K enny, $ 10,000. (翻译:我 Pre 还有 Kenny $10,000)
10. And when you go to the pristine side, did this ever bleach? (翻译:让我们再看保持原始状态的一边 这里褪色过吗? )
11. Mrs. Prefontaine your boy is Olympic stuff. (翻译:Prefontaine夫人... ...Pre是奥运苗子)
12. She scrubbed the counters down with bleach. (翻译:她用漂白剂把柜台擦洗干净。)
13. - Blytex. What's with the bleach? (翻译:布莱特克斯漂白剂是怎么回事 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Blytex.)
14. Is that a pre-stabbing in my pre-back? (翻译:准备在准备期间陷害我吗 Is that a pre -stabbing in my pre)
15. Merely a few subcontracted pre-payments. (翻译:Merely a few subcontracted pre -payments.)