precentral sulci是什么意思 precentral sulci的中文翻译、读音、例句

precentral sulci是什么意思 precentral sulci的中文翻译、读音、例句

precentral sulci的意思是"医",在英美地区还有"中央前沟"的意思,在线读音是[precentralsulci],precentral sulci在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到60个与precentral sulci相关的例句。

Precentral sulci的翻译


例句:cerebral hemisphere cerebral cortex cerebral medulla cerebral sulci cerebral gyri (大脑半球大脑皮质大脑髓质大脑沟大脑回大脑纵裂)


例句:The involved cerebral hemisphere will have enlarged sulci if the cerebral injury occurred after birth or after completion of sulcation. (假如脑损伤发生在生后或脑沟形成后,受累的大脑半球将会出现脑沟加深。)


precentral sulci一般作为名词使用,如在precentral([医] 中央前的, 中枢前的)、sulci([医] 沟)、precentral area([医] 中央前区, 心理运动区)等常见短语中出现较多。

precentral[医] 中央前的, 中枢前的
sulci[医] 沟
precentral area[医] 中央前区, 心理运动区
precentral artery中央前沟动脉
precentral fissure[医] 中央前沟
precentral gyrus中央前回
precentral gyrussprecentral gyrus\n【解剖学】中央前回
precentral line[医] 中央前线
precentral sulcus中央前沟


1. Tissue, Total RNA, Human Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, Precentral Gyrus. (翻译:组织,总rna,病人,老年性痴呆,中央前回。)

2. The ipsilateral lateral ventricle and cortical sulci enlarge as a result of parenchymal volume loss. (翻译:脑实质容量的减低导致了同侧侧脑室和脑沟扩大。)

3. This is cerebral atrophy in a patient with Alzheimer's disease. The gyri are narrowed and the sulci widened toward to frontal pole. (翻译:图示一例阿尔茨海默氏病患者萎缩的大脑。脑回变窄,脑沟向着前端变宽。)

4. Some veins of the basal veins, the internal occipital veins and the precentral cerebellar veins were very wide. (翻译:部分基底静脉、枕内静脉、小脑中央前静脉非常粗大。)

5. The involved cerebral hemisphere will have enlarged sulci if the cerebral injury occurred after birth or after completion of sulcation. (翻译:假如脑损伤发生在生后或脑沟形成后,受累的大脑半球将会出现脑沟加深。)

6. Thrush is a degeneration of the frog with a secondary bacterial infection that begins in the central and collateral sulci. (翻译:鹅口疮是青蛙的退化,继发于中央和侧沟的继发细菌感染。)

7. The left cerebral hemisphere is smaller with deeper sulci and narrower gyri. (翻译:左侧的大脑半球小于右侧,脑沟较深,脑回也比右侧狭窄。)

8. low density of grey matter of temporal lobe, sulci narrowing or disappearance and unclear grey matter margin. (翻译:颞叶灰质密度减低,脑沟变窄或消失,灰白质界限不清。)

9. The greatly swollen left hemisphere is reflected in the narrowed sulci seen at higher levels; (翻译:在更高层面,可以看到左半球因肿胀沟回变窄;)

10. MRI of the brain confirmed the presence of a lesion of the right precentral gyrus. (翻译:颅内磁共振造影确认大脑的中央前回有病兆的存在。)

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