precious serpentine是什么意思 precious serpentine的中文翻译、读音、例句

precious serpentine是什么意思 precious serpentine的中文翻译、读音、例句

precious serpentine在中文中有"贵蛇纹石"的意思,在日常中也代表"贵蛇纹石"的意思,单词读音音标为[preciousserpentine],precious serpentine来源于英语,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到48个与precious serpentine相关的例句。

Precious serpentine的词典翻译


例句:♪ Precious kisses, words that burn me ♪ (*Precious kisses, words that burn me*)


precious serpentine一般作为名词使用,如在precious(珍贵的 )、serpentine(蛇的 )、the serpentine([网络] 肯辛顿花园以蛇型湖;蛇形湖;蛇形画廊)等常见短语中出现较多。

the serpentine[网络] 肯辛顿花园以蛇型湖;蛇形湖;蛇形画廊
famous and precious名贵
my precious我的宝贝
precious alloy精密[贵金属]合金
precious belongings贵重行包
precious cargo贵重货物
precious coral[网络] 贵珊瑚


1. The precious will be ours once the Hobbitses are dead! (翻译:只要小哈比人一死... 宝贝就属于我们!)

2. You have to believe your life is precious, that all life is precious. (翻译:你要相信你的生命是珍贵的 You have to believe your life is precious, 所有的生命都是珍贵的 that all life is precious.)

3. For all that is precious and dear (翻译:# 我是这个迷失世界的小小守护者 # # For all that is precious and dear #)

4. It began at the Serpentine Gallery in London, and everybody is invited to donate one word to a collective poem. (翻译:它始于伦敦的蛇形画廊, 每个人都被邀请为一首 集体诗歌贡献一个词。)

5. Is more precious than you know. (翻译:比你想象的更尊贵 Is more precious than you know.)

6. Paul Steinhardt, a physicist from New York, and Aranda/Lasch, architects, collaborated in an installation in London at the Serpentine. (翻译:你知道保罗‧史坦哈特,来自纽约的物理学者, 和 Aranda/Lasch 建筑师合作在伦敦的 蛇本坦做装置设计。)

7. It condenses into a few precious drops. (翻译:雾气凝结为一些珍贵的水珠 {\3cH202020}It condenses into a few precious drops.)

8. I love you, my most precious girl. (翻译:my most precious girl.)

9. If the Earth is no longer going to be simply rolling in the Serpentine Dance, then what will ensue? (翻译:如果地球不再仅仅以“蛇形舞动”的形式滚动,那么接下来会发生何事呢?)

10. Jade products are rare and precious (翻译:玉造的意思即是矜贵 Jade products are rare and precious)

11. Is that a precious thing to you? (翻译:对你来说是否珍贵呢? Is that a precious thing to you?)

12. You must use this precious silver (翻译:你要好好利用这些银器 You must use this precious silver)

13. But you are wasting precious time. (翻译:但这无疑是在浪费宝贵的时间 But you are wasting precious time.)

14. She stole something precious from me. (翻译:她偷了我珍贵的东西 She stole something precious from me.)

15. The other half of the cash, throw to Precious and the kids. (翻译:另一半雇佣费付给Precious和她的孩子)

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