precise vor是什么意思 precise vor的中文翻译、读音、例句

precise vor是什么意思 precise vor的中文翻译、读音、例句

precise vor的中文解释是"精密伏尔",其次还有"精密伏尔"的意思,单词读音音标为[precisevor],precise vor常被用作名词,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到33个与precise vor相关的句子。

Precise VOR的中文翻译


例句:The precise blend of compounds in this layer is species-specific. (每个物种外层的化碳氢化合物 都是独一无二的。)


precise vor一般作为名词使用,如在precise VOR(精密伏尔)、precise(精确的 )、to be precise(确切地讲)等常见短语中出现较多。

precise VOR精密伏尔
to be precise确切地讲
high precise[网络] 精密度高
highly precise高精度
leveling precise精密水平测量
precise alignment精密定线
precise alloy精密合金
Precise Code精码
precise comparison精密比较;精密比对


1. Our teams of engineers have spared no expense in this re-creation... ... precise to the smallest detail. (翻译:我们的工程人员在重建上不遗余力 ...precise to the smallest detail. ...精确到最小的部分)

2. It's a precise specification with a precise formal language that causes Mathematica to know what to do here. (翻译:它精准的命令需要精准的正式编程语言 才能让Mathematica知道要干什么)

3. Get precise, pulseless, repeatable flow. (翻译:准确,无脉,可重复的流程。)

4. She's rather prim and precise. (翻译:她拘谨严肃,一丝不苟。)

5. If only you had been this precise with the Suri deal. (翻译:好像只有你会这样精确的交易。{\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}If only you had been this precise with the Suri deal.)

6. Thee wedding was held in the Copenhagen cathedral Vor Frue Kirke (Church of Our Lady) on May 14th, 2004. (翻译:婚礼在哥本哈根的圣母教堂举行,由哥本哈根主教埃里克·诺曼·斯文森主持仪式。)

7. You could trace a precise beginning as Stephen once did. (翻译:你可以像斯蒂芬曾经做的那样 You could trace a precise beginning 追溯到一个精确的开端 as Stephen once did.)

8. Unfortunately, at the precise time of Harrison's death... (翻译:可惜的是,在案发当时... 莲娜正在参加街坊邻居会议)

9. What kind of firearm is this... to use such precise measurements? (翻译:到底是什么样的火武器 需要这么精准的测量?)

10. A precise relationship that is not present with ordinary field crickets. (翻译:如此精细的联系是 不存在于普通田野蟋蟀身上的)

11. Pilots used to use VOR navigation in the past. (翻译:在过去,飞行员都用VOR导航。)

12. And this one, directs us with the precise angle with the sun. (翻译:而这个 则给我们 指明了与太阳的精确角度)

13. vor aeronautical radio navigation aids . part 2 : technical requirements for very high frequency omnidirectional range (翻译:航空无线电导航设备.第2部分:甚高频全向信标)

14. Our specialty is infidelity, precise and immediate solution (翻译:我们主要经营的是抓外遇 又快又正确的追踪)

15. This man was killed with one precise thrust through the spine, heart, and sternum. (翻译:死者因凶器精确地穿过 This man was killed with one precise thrust)

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