prefiring cycle是什么意思 prefiring cycle的中文翻译、读音、例句

prefiring cycle是什么意思 prefiring cycle的中文翻译、读音、例句

prefiring cycle通常被翻译为"发射前准备周期"的意思,还有发射前准备周期的意思,单词读音音标为[prefiringcycle],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到98个与prefiring cycle相关的例句。

Prefiring cycle的释义


例句:Captial turnover is a periodical cycle. (资本周转是周期性的循环。)


prefiring cycle一般作为名词使用,如在prefiring(点火前的; 提前点火)、prefiring action(点火前程序)、prefiring check(点火[发射]前检查)等常见短语中出现较多。

prefiring点火前的; 提前点火
prefiring action点火前程序
prefiring check点火[发射]前检查
prefiring data[航] 发射前数据
reversible cycle cycle可逆循环
diesel cycle[机] 狄塞尔循环
diestrous cycle[医] 间[动]情周期
digester cycle蒸煮周期


1. Just perpetuating the cycle, ain't you? (翻译:只是永远的在,抓了放,放了再抓, 不是么?)

2. var for improving the cycle. (翻译:最后一切将毁灭, 以迎接下个更好的周期.)

3. The life cycle impact of that lettuce is astronomical. (翻译:一棵生菜的整个生命周期的影响是个天文数字。)

4. And then the news cycle moved on. (翻译:之后新闻热点就被转移到 其他事件上去了。)

5. So this is the picture, and this is a cycle that undertakes it. (翻译:这是图像,是由这个循环开始的。)

6. The new merozoites quickly invade erythrocytes where they replicate, sometimes synchronously, in a cycle that may correspond to the cycle of fever and chills in malaria. (翻译:新的裂殖子迅速侵略他们在周期,有时同步,复制也许对应于热病和冷颤的周期在疟疾的红血球。)

7. The carbon cycle is the biogeochemical cycle by which carbon is exchanged among the biosphere, pedosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere of the Earth. (翻译:碳循环是一个生物地质化学循环圈,碳通过此循环在生物圈、土壤圈、地层、水圈、大气中交流。)

8. Because some cycle, there is a spot in the cycle, and you have not the same duty in the different parts of the cycle. (翻译:因为某个循环,循环中有个点。而在循环的不同部分,你的职责不同。)

9. 2012 is a new precesiei stage of the cycle. (翻译:xx年 是大周期中一个新的岁差阶段.)

10. The coordination of the centrosome cycle and cell cycle ensures an accurate distribution of genetic material. (翻译:中心体周期和细胞周期相互配合以保证遗传物质的精确分配。)

11. More importantly, they not only walk far to work, and not only do they cycle to work, but they cycle for work, as you can see here. (翻译:更重要的是, 他们不仅仅是走这么远的路去工作, 也不仅仅是骑行去工作, 他们还以骑行为一种工作,正如你可以从这里看到。)

12. Seismic events recorded by these seismites are the responses to the Himalayan Tectonic Cycle after the Yanshan tectonic cycle. (翻译:由这些震积岩所记录的地震灾变事件,是该地区继燕山构造旋回结束后进入喜马拉雅构造旋回的响应。)

13. The new proposed combined power cycle is constructed with the APGC as the bottom cycle and conventional gas turbine as the topping one. (翻译:提出了以常规燃机循环作为顶部循环,APGC为底部循环的新型燃气轮机动力联合循环,并对不同的联合循环形式进行了性能分析和对比。)

14. Whereas, the optimal heat rejection pressure in the expander cycle is different from that of in the throttle valve cycle. (翻译:但是,膨胀机循环的最佳高压压力与节流阀循环的最佳高压压力不同。)

15. More importantly, they not only walk far to work, and not only do they cycle to work, but they cycle for work, as you can see here. (翻译:更重要的是, 他们不仅仅是走这么远的路去工作, 也不仅仅是骑行去工作, 他们还以骑行为一种工作,正如你可以从这里看到。)

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